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"This isn't gonna end well for us, is it," Emma asked her as they were entering the motel.

"Most definitely not." Amy's lips then started twitching in an effort to conceal a smile. "But her face when she saw you with that chainsaw was so worth it."

"You shouldn't be laughing; we were actively participating in the destruction of the environment."

"You were actively participating in the destruction of the environment. I was simply enjoying the show from the sidelines."

Oh, and what a show that had been.

The collision of an unstoppable force, also known as Emma, with an unmovable object, more commonly known as Regina.

Thrilling to watch, despite knowing it would undoubtedly backfire on them.

"Miss Swan?"

They turned to find a very uncomfortable looking Granny. "Oh, my, this is terribly awkward."

She raised an eyebrow, sharing a glance with Emma, before asking. "What is?"

"I need to ask you to leave."


Granny raised her hand in a placating gesture. "Not you, Miss Cassidy. Just Miss Swan. I'm afraid we have a 'no felons' rule. It turns out it's a city ordinance."

Well, that was fast.

The two friends glanced at each other, the same thought passing through their minds.

Emma was the one that spoke it. "Let me guess. The Mayor's office just called to remind you.

The woman in front of them looked apologetic, despite it not being her fault. "You can gather your things," she said, before turning to Amy, "and of course, Miss Cassidy, you can stay for as long as you want, but I'm afraid your friend needs to leave."

"Yeah, okay," she scoffed, entering the room to start gathering their things.

No way in hell was she going to leave Emma alone.


She did, in fact, leave Emma alone.

Regina had requested a meeting with her and, despite Amy's most vehement objections to that, in the end her friend had decided to go alone.

Which was stupid, because it was quite obvious that Regina had something in mind. In the end, the Mayor had managed to drive a wedge between the newly reunited mother and son, which had severely pissed off said mother. Emma had called her to tell her what had happened and let her know she was would be paying back Mary Margaret the bail money before leaving town. Because they were leaving, apparently.

So, here Amy was at Granny's, their rendezvous, drinking away her sorrows, while Emma was spending some time with her mother. Not that either of them had any idea.

"You look like you need to talk," Ruby said, taking a seat in the stool next to hers, sliding her a chocolate muffin as well.

"Well, there's not much to say, really. We're leaving town tonight," she replied, before thanking her for the muffin with a small smile.

The woman sitting next to her visibly deflated. "Oh."


"Is this about what Granny did? Because maybe I can convince her to—"

"No, no, it's okay. It's not about that," Amy said. "We just can't really stay here anymore. Have to go back to our lives."

"No, of course."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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