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Just one more hour to go…

You said to yourself, taking another pill and swallowing it dry, your eyes fixed on your reflection in the bathroom mirror in front of you.

“One hour,” you muttered, glaring at the girl you almost didn’t recognize on the other side. “Act normal for one hour.”

The effects of the drug were quick. Not even a full minute later, you could feel the dizziness fade again as you filled your hands with cold water and splashed it on your face.

It would be fine. All you had to do, was try to have fun for the next few minutes, then go back home and try to survive. It was already dusk, and it would soon become dark, just a few moments and you would excuse yourself.

You walked back to the table Emma was sitting on, drinking from her juice, the cake on the other seat waiting for you.

A forced smile formed on your lips when you sat down. You felt nauseous looking at the chocolate cake you ordered yourself. You were craving it, and you wanted to eat it, but still, something in you knew that taking a single bite would make you throw up again.

“You’re not gonna eat it?” Emma asked, looking confused at you staring at the sweet.

“I- I will,” you spoke, taking the spoon in your hand and filling it, slowly moving it toward your mouth. You didn't understand what that was, but it was as if your stomach was refusing to allow you to eat anything at all. 

You tried to brush the feeling off and convince yourself that everything was fine, but that was becoming more difficult now when the nausea just wouldn't go away. So you had no other thing to do but put the spoon back down, that smile forming again.

“I don’t think I'm craving cake anymore, haha.”

Emma suddenly stood up, her eyes staring at you in disbelief. "That's it," she declared, sounding frustrated. "We are leaving. You need rest," she said, her words dripping with annoyance. 

You looked up at her, feeling confused by her sudden actions. “Wha- Emma, I said I’m fine!” You tried to protest.

"You literally just said no to a chocolate cake!" Emma said, an expression of pure shock had taken over her face, her voice filled with irritation. "Y/n never says no to chocolate cakes!" 

You couldn't deny that she was right, you had never once turned down a chocolate cake. But now, you were refusing to eat one, even though you wanted it. 

She didn’t even leave you time to speak up and justify yourself, her hand shifted to your left arm, purposely not taking your right one, and dragged you out of the cafe, ignoring your calls for her to stop.

"Mikey and Draken are on their way," Emma explained, her words sounding firm and determined as she pulled you toward the entrance of the mall. "We're gonna wait for them here and then take you to the hospital."

“Wo! Wo! Wo!” You freed your arm from her grip, eyes wide. “Did you just say Mikey’s coming here?”

“Yeah, he’s the one who was worried about you this whole time,” Emma said. “He told me to hang out with you and see how you were doing since you were avoiding him. And I can see why you were.”

“He’s on his way?! Now?!”

“Yes! And we are staying here till he comes because there is absolutely no way you are well!”

"No," you said, your voice soft and almost a whisper. "I can't... I can't meet him," He was the last person you wanted to see right now, especially when you were feeling so weak and confused.

The Promised Revenge [Manjiro Sano]Where stories live. Discover now