mountains deep

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before our story begins

Three hunderd years ago, there were six kingdoms. The first was the kingdom Reman, the kingdom of dwarves, the great metal and gem seekers. Next there is Koon, the elf kingdom, the most skilled at sculpting and molding weapons, also amazing worriers of the forest. the kingdom moonans of goblins, awful, disgusting, carnivors, they over threw many small villages by pure force. then the kingdom trook, the trolls lived there, terrible carnivors, much like goblins but bigger and dumber. lapp, kingdom of men, well, you know what man is like. and the last kingdom is rompe, kingdom of wizardes, very wise and magical people. these six kingdoms decided to make enchant a gem, found by the dwarves and craved by the elves, to hold the spirit of the the greatest foe of the kingdoms, Ccon, the ruler of the armies of dark wizards, dwaves and the unloyal trolls and goblins. he led this army to war with the other kingdoms and was slew by an elf prince. a skilled wizard captured his soul and placed it in the gem. they buried the gem in a secret tomb with the elf prince that slew Ccon. the wizard put a spell on the gem so that when the right person found the gem that it would glow and that person with three compaians would have to travel to the mountain of torr in the dwarf kingdom and throw it down the old mineing shaft so it would break and the spirit would be destroyed. after 80 years a grave robber found the gem and stole it. he was driven mad by the gem for the spirit of Ccon spoke to him. he gave the gem to the king of lapp, kingdom of men, and when the king died he passed it down to his son and so forth, all of them waiting for the day when the worthy person and his companians would bring it to the mountain and destroy it.

chapter 1

" you are aware that prince Terrankacen will have to bring the gem to torr and throw it down the old dwarf miming shaft, only then will the darkness leave!" Shouted the elf queen rising from her seat in the court room of lapp.

She and the the rulers of all the other kingdoms had gathered in the court of Ramance, the king of men, to discuss who would accompanie the prince to the mountain as only days ago he had preformed the official gem ceremonies and when he held the stone of evil it began to glow a blue light and it was decided that a meeting of the kingdoms was needed.

" I am aware of it," Ramance said calmly, guestering for her to sit. " however, I still need two of you to offer your best guard to accompanie my son." He looked around the circle of royalties, waiting for someone to offer a guard.

After several uncomfortable seconds, the elderly wizard general cleared his throat.

" I offer one of my best, he is only young. Like your son, he is 15, but is an incredible fighter and is very good with his magic in combat and in peace." He said.

The king thought on this for a moment, this young wizard did sound qualified for the journey. And having a wizard in the group would be a good move for they're survival.

" and I will offer one of my best" said the elf queen " she is also 15 but is the most skilled of any of our worriers, is fast, has a lot of inderance and has been a guard on dangerous before, she if no stranger to surviving in the wild."

" hold on," the dwarf king turned to face the elf queen before continuing his sentence, " a girl? No. Woman are not to be soldiers and fight!" He bellowed.

The queen turned, furious, but before she could say anything, king Ramance cut in.

" you are not to decide, master dwarf, I am, and this female I'm sure is just as qualified as any other."

The dwarf grumbled something under his breath and sank into his seat. The king of men noded at the queen and she smiled back at him. The king thought for a moment then raised his hand.

" I have decided," the king king spoke in a formal tone, " the two worriers that the elvish queen and the wizard general have pick will occmpinie my son to the mountain torr to dispose of Ccon the enemy!"

A small cheer arose from the circle of leaders. Ccon the the long known enemy would finnaly fall. But it wasn't certain for darkness had been slowly sinking into the kingdoms as trolls and goblins have become more and more active in attacking. The king sighed and tried to put the the thoughts of terror and evil out of his mind.

" now tell me the names of these worriers." He said

" Claudamis is the name of my worrier" said the wizard.

" and Alexandria is the name of mine" said the elf queen.

Then the dwarf royaltie looked at the king of men.

" and who have you chosen?" He asked

The eyes of all the kings and the one queen turned to Ramance.

" a young girl named Alyssiamis, she is a close friend of my sons and even as she isn't a fighter, she was raised in a rich family and got the best lessons in healing, she will be useful." He said.

Everyone could sense the uncertantie of the dwarf and so the king quickly said " this meeting is at an end, have the two guards here by the end of the week" and left the room.

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