Chapter 2

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Alex ( short for alexandria ) walked quickly down the hallway in the home of men towards the place where she was supposed to be meeting Claudamis or Claud, Terrankacen or Terrance and Alyssiamis or Alyssa.

'This place is unnecessarily big!' She thought as she got closer to the room. While she had been trying to find the meeting place, she had gotten lost twice, had to ask for directions three times and had went into to many rooms to count before finding the right one.

As she aproched the door she could hear people talking inside.

" stop pacing around Claud!" Came a male voice from the other side of the door, probably the prince Terrance. " we don't know who this elf is yet, mabey you'll like her!" He said again.

'Hmm' she thought, she had only been informed that the Terrance and Alyssa were from the kingdom of men, she didn't know who Claud was, she had assumed another man, but men and elves got along perfectly, who was this?

" like her!" Came another male voice, deeper then the princes, Claud. " I don't know if you men were told of our history with elves but its not fun! As soon as she sees I'm a wizard there'll be an arrow in my chest!" He screamed at Terrance.

Alex stood outside the door, frozen. Anger was building within her, how dare they bring a wizard in on this! Three hunderd years ago in the battle against Ccon, the wizards had been captured and thought that no one was trying to rescue them, but the elves were battling hard day and night to try to save them. In exchange for the freedom of his people, the wizard general told Ccon a secret entrence into the elvish city. The wizards had caused the death of millions of elves for the sake of themselves. After the battle was won and the spirit captured in the stone it was givin to the elf prince, the hero of the war. The wizards thought it should have been givin to them since they enchanted it. Elves and wizards from then on hated each other, and it was no different now.

Alex burst into the room with her bow in hand, an arrow notched firmly in it, pointing it at the wizard. Claud backed up and pressed himself against the wall with his hands up. He knew not say anything, this was an elf, she had perfect aim and could shoot that arrow faster then any spell he could cast, plus elvish weapons are heavily enchanted and would sail through any magic spell. Alex glanced at the prince, noticing another girl behind him, Alyssa.

" how dare you bring a wizard here when you know full well that an elf is coming!" She shouted, not taking her eyes of the Claud. He was tall with short, black hair and an oaken battle staff in his left hand.

Claud was terrified but at the same time he was distracted by how gorgeous this elf was, shoulder length brown hair tucked behind cute pointy ears, a graceful nose, full lips and big, green eyes that actually sparkled, as if someone had sprinkled fairy dust in the shimmering green.

Claud studied her face and saw her anger disapating, replaced with he same thing he was feeling.

As Alex stood there with her bow outstretched, she couldn't help thinking that he was handsome too. She slowly lowered her bow and Claud dropped his hands, only then did the two of them notice that Terrance an Alyssa had been talking to them. Trying to calm Alex down. She sighed and took a step toward Claud her hand held out to shake. She was still glaring at him, but this was a lot better then having an arrow pointed at him Claud thought, and slowly shook her hand.

" Alex" she said coldly.

" Claud" he said equally as cold.

They stared at each other, but before anything else happened the door flew open. They all turned to see the king.

" ah, I see you two are getting along," he said guestering to Claud and Alex, " I was afraid something bad would happen."

" you have no idea." Alyssa sai under her breath.

" now," the king rubbed his hand together, " why don't we discuss things over lunch."

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