Chapter 7

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"Here we are!" Said Terrance opening the door to his sister room.

Alyssa walked inside and gasped looking around the huge room. She turned in a circle soaking in the fabulous decor. The walls were painted a brilliant green. The queen sized bed was covered in an artsy quilt with matching pillow cases. A large dresser was leaned against the opposite wall next to a makeup table with a huge set of hundreds of makeup items. She turned back to Terrance in amazement.

" this is amazing!" She cried," how long did your sister spend decorating this place?" She ran forward and flopped on the huge bed before he could awnser, Terrance snickered at her amazement.

" not long," he sat down on the bed next to her, it was very soft, " she knew exactly what she wanted the minute she turned 13." They fell looked at each other and smiled, they stretched out they're arms and fell backwards on the large matress. Alyssa sighed.

" and I thought my extremely rich family knew how to decorate." She joked, Terrance laughed and closed his eyes, he sighed.

" I used to sneak in here so much when I was little, " he turned his head to look at her, smiling, " I would come in she had friends or boys over and annoy them." Alyssa raised an eyebrow, still smiling at him. " once," he continued, laughing, " I went in when she had a boy over and I was planning to jump in with a mask on and scare them," he looked up at the ceiling and giggled a little, " anyway, when a jumped in they were kissing on her bed!" He laughed, Alyssa did too, " and they looked up to see a kid in a wolf mask..... Hahaha ..... Screaming boo at them and..... Haha ...... Fell of the bed!" They started cracking up until they fell of the bed, which made them laugh even harder.

They laughed for a little then sighed and got back up on the bed. Alyssa turned to look at Terrance, she was about to say something when suddenly she screamed. She hoped off the bed and fell backwards on the ground.

" what!" Terrance asked, alarmed, Alyssa looked at him terrified.

" spider!!!" She screamed pointing over Terrance's shoulder. Terrance screamed too and leaped off the bed. A spider had made a small string web and had been hanging right behind Terrance's right shoulder.

They ran to the corner of the room and contemplated what to do.

" let's go get Alex and Claud!" They finnaly decided and raced out the door.


Alex was lying on the floor asleep and Claud was up in the bed studying a spell book when Terrance eburst through the door with Alyssa in toe, the sudden burst of noise caused Alex to wake, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, Claud looked up from his spell book.

" what's going on?" Alex groaned, yawning. Terrance rubed the back of his neck, he grinned guiltily at them. Now that he was here, he was kind regretting coming and bothering them.

" ummmm," he paused in embarrassment," well, ahhhh, we, ummm, need a little, umm, help, yay." When he finnaly stuttered out the words, Claud and Alex starred at him, then they sighed and got t they're feet.

" you know we're not your protectors until the quest actually starts, right!" Claud mumbled as they all walked out of they're room, shutting the door behind them.

" we know," Alyssa spoke this time, also clearly embarrassed, " we jus thought that, you know, how you guys are all brave and all, and, well," she paused and sighed, " we saw a spider and we want you guys to get rid of it." She was bright red with humiliation, Terrance wasn't much better. Claud flattered in his step and Alex ran into him.

" what?" Alex asked, " keep going, " she pushed him forward a little but he wouldn't budge.

" ummm," he stuttered, " I think you can take this one, ou know, as its only little, and, ahhh, you know." He acwardly turned to head back into the room.

" oh no you don't, mister I-can-handle-anything, your coming, and why don't you want to, like you said it's only little." Alex grabbed him by the collar and starred him in the eye, trying to press the info out of him. They had a brief mantel battle and Claud lost, he lowered his eyes.

" I'm scared of spiders." He mumbled, Alex had Torres her lips together to keep from laughing. When Claud looked up and saw her amused expersion, he flared with anger. " you can't say much, your scared of tight spaces!" He yelled and Alex went, Claud could swear he saw the anger build instantly in her eyes.

" that's because my mother used to lock me in a closet upstairs for punishment if they thought I was bad! They were terrible, my perants, so terrible that I ran away and stayed with my archery teacher, who later adopted me! So don't say anything about my claustrophobia!" The were all silent for a minute.

Alex was still glaring at Claud, who's collar was still tightly grasped in her hand. After a moment of silence, Alex let go of Claud's shirt and shock her head, it looked like she. Was going to say something them an she had an idea, she smirked evilly and turned to head back the room.

" where are you going?" Claud asked, she turned and smiled at them.

" back to the room, you can handle this one, partner." She grinned again and headed in to the room.


Claud entered the room of the princess cautiously. He looked around with his broom and jar in hand, the only things he could find to catch the spider. He looked around some more, it was a nice room, with big dresser and a huge bed............. Claud looked at the bed and saw the spider hanging from a small web, he backed up.

" go on!" Alyssa coaxed, giving him a slight shove towards the bed. Claud let out a squeaking sound and tried to advance.

He inched closer and closer. He breathed in and out deeply 'its just a little spider' he thought to himself. He was at the foot of the bed and was about to put the jar out to catch the arachnid when it deatached itself from the web and landed on the bed. Claud screamed a very high pitched, girly scream and ran from the room.

Down the hall, Alex was getting ready to lay back down on the floor when she heard a very loud, high pitched, girly scream and laughed to herself.

" oh Claud, and you mock me." She mummbled shaking her head and laying down on her pillow.

Authors note

Sorry this toke so long, I had writers block. I just couldn't think of anything, any way, please the one person reading this, comment on this chapter s I know who it is. Thanks


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