Chapter 4

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As the servants led Claud and Alex to they're rooms, Claud noticed that they were going down the same hallways, they looked at each other and frowned as if to say ' what's going on, are the rooms side by side? '

When the servants rounded another corner, they both stopped in front of the same room.they opened it and inside was a dresser and two cots. Claud frowned until the truth slowly dawned on him, Alex got it right away.

" we're sharing a room!" She screamed.

Claud's face turned stark white. ' oh no ' he thought. As he watched Alex's face turn bright red with anger ' I will never survive a night with an elf ' he was one of the wizards that actually had a strong hatred for elves. Granted, no wizards really liked elves, but some hated them more then others, like Claud.

" I'm sorry miss," the server said " but due to the recent goblin and troll attacks in smaller villages around the kingdom, we are housing many people and the castel only has so many rooms."

Alex boiled, and in her rage she didn't notice the extreme anger building in Claud. He whipped his staff up to Alex's face and it glowed with blue light. She turned and for a second she displayed fear on her face, but it was quickly replaced with a calm look. Claud was so angry, how dare they bring elves and force him to share room with them, wizards hated elves, he hated elves and he was going to kill this one, or at least hurt it very badly. He was about to utter a magical word that would very near kill her, when in one swift move she turned the tables. She pulled her heavily enchanted sword out of its holder on her belt and was laying the very sharp blade against the wizards oaken staff. Claud flattered, she could cut his staff in two right there and he wouldn't have magic until he got a new one, which could take years to make since they needed to be hand crafted and carved with magical markings that would take months to get excactly right.

" one more enchanted word out of your mouth and your nice staff will become two staffs." She looked at him with her sparkly green eyes and Claud nearly melted, whatever it was he really loved her eyes, he didn't love her, it was just that her eyes were so beautiful, in fact, he thought that her whole body was beautiful, slim and curvy, with an angel sculpted face with.... Wait! He stopped his train of thought, was he really calling an elf that seconds ago he was going to kill hot?

He lowered his staff and she lowered her blade. She looked at him, he was cute, he had to admit, but she didn't love him, even though he was tall and muscular, and his hair was a beautiful jet black when you looked at it closer, and the way his eyes..... She stopped herself, was she calling him hot?

" let's agree that we'll put aside our differences for he good of the six kingdoms and be friend just for this adventure before one of us kills the other." Alex said.

Claud sighed, he knew this was a good agreement, but he really hated elves and it would be hard not to get into fights with her over the journey, but he had to. Plus, he was a little curiouse to know what elves where like when they didn't hate you.

" ok, I agree." He stuck out his hand to shake on it. They shook and went into the room.

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