Chapter 5

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" have you ever been in my sister's room?" Terrance asked as he walked Alyssa to her quarters.

" no, actually," she said " I thought no one was allowed I your sister's room." Terrance laughed a little. he remembered all the times that he would sneak in to his sister's room and steal her stuff or read her diary, fun times.

" well since she's out of town and my dad gave us his 'royal word!' I guess you can sleep there." Alyssa giggled.

It was silent then for a little while, Terrance looked at Alyssa, she seemed to be thinking really hard about something. He smiled nervously, he wondered what she was thinking of.

" you ok?" he asked, concerened. She looked at him and the mist of being in your own little world started to clear from her eyes, replaced with suttle nervousy.

" ya," she said "I was just thinking, this is going to go on for a long time, I've never spent time far from home, much less time outside lapp. It'll be dangerous and scary and we might not come back, the whole thing just freaks me out." she paused and looked at him with tears building around the rims of her eyes. " I don't want to die!" she cried.

She burst into tears and Terrance pulled her into a hug. He softly stroked her hair and let her cry. He had to idmit that this freaked him out too. How could he be the chosen one, the one to destroy evil, the hero of the kingdoms, how was it possible that of all the worriers and great kings that the stone was passed on to, that him, a weak little 15 year old that can't swing a sword better then a old lady, was chosen?

Alyssa buried her face in his chest and cried more. She felt so weak, so helpless, why was she chosen to accompinie the guy she likes on a dangerous quest where she might have to watch him die right in front of her. She didn't want to deal with that, she wanted to stay in Terrance's armes and never have to leave, for him to tell her that he'd never let go and them to live out the rest of they're days happy and together without having to go on this stupid quest to save the six kingdoms.

They stood there, with her crying and him holding her, both thinking about things that would never happen, it was really sad. After a few minutes Alyssa sniffled and looked up at him. They pulled apart and Terrance looked at her.

" are you ready to keep going?" he asked slowly.

" ya," Alyssa sniffed again, " sorry."

" Don't be," he shook of the sadness and smiled, " now, lets go trash my sister's room!"

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