Chapter 6

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Authors note

Who is reading this?!? I don't know and I really want to, so who ever it is comment on this chapter or message me so I can read your stuff and please tell other people to read this, cause no one likes it but you!


Chapter 6

Alex sat at the edge of her cot waiting to change into her comfortable cotten sleep clothes, but Claud was taking an abnormally long time in the wash room. She sighed and started to pace around in a small circle. She started to think about the quest, what would happen? After all, her path was different, the queen had told her that in her time in lapp the she and the king talked and decided that she would be Terrance's official partner. Yes, Claud and Alyssa would be helping, but her and Terrance together were going to have to throw the away evil, they were the people that were going to fix everything, or destroy everything. She paced some more and thought about what could happen, because on the last leg of the journey (if they made it that far) her and Terrance would be the only ones to go to the mountain. Claud and Alyssa would have to stay and fight at the entrance and they would have to proceed on into the mountain and succeed, or die.

She was thinking until Claud burst out of the wash room and crashed right into her. She went flying backwards into a closet that was mabey a meter away, and the door slammed shut. She sat in the dark closet for a moment.

" Claud I'm going to kill you!" She shouted before getting up.

Claud looked at the closet and ran towards it, throwing himself at the door and locking it quickly. She could be serious, he thought, looking around the room, he was relived to find her bow and quiver were lying on her cot. He heard her get up, she made a small squeaking sound. 'Thats wierd' he thought. She turned the door knob and was quickly stopped by the lock. He heard her breath leave her, as if in fear. She threw her shoulder in to the door with surprising force, but it didn't open.

" Claud, let me out now!" She screamed.

" no way! You'll kill me!" He cried back, he heard her breath getting slightly heavier and he wondered what was going on.

" I won't kill you, please Claud just let me out." She said, her voice was shaking and she sounded like she was pleading.

Claud frowned " what's going on?" He asked, he heard her lay her fist on the door, then a second thump, which he figured was her putting her head on it.

" listen Claud, I'm really claustrophobic, just let me out, I'm not going to kill you, please." Her voice was nearly a whisper, she sounded really scared.

'Oh,' he thought 'this can't be true, it's way to good'

" I don't know Alex, it would be way to easy just to lock you in there for the night." He said, enjoying the power that this was giving him over this elf.

" NO! Please you can't leave me in here, please." She cried, her voice was shaking, why did this have to happen, and this freaking wizard hated her and now she would be stuck in here, she thought. Her childhood memory's started to flood back, her mother yelling at her, picking her up and carrying her up the stairs, Alex would cry and plead to her mother to not do it, but when they reached the up stairs hallway, she would shut her in the tiny closet an keep her in there for hours and hours until she thought that she'd learned her lesson. Alex shook her head, 'don't think about that now' she thought.

She sank to her knees and tried to calm down. Claud heard her knees hit the floor and her breath start to steady. 'Oh no' he thought, what had he done, now when she got out she would kill him, or worse. He backed away from the door. Then something happened that he wasn't expecting, her breathing got really heavy, she pounded her fists off the door.

"'!" She panted. Claud smiled evilly, 'oh but it won't be that easy, Alex.' He thought.

" well, when you get out you need push both cots together and sleep on the floor," he said.

" done, just let me out" she whimpered.

" then look around the room for any spider," he said

" why?" She asked

Claud flattered, he was terrified of spiders, but he didn't wan to tell her that, the first spider she saw she'd flick on his head.

" because....ummm....I'm allergic to they're bites," he said.

" ok, now let me out." She said, Claud was starting to think 'no way' when he heard what he was afraid of happening in there, Alex started to hyperventilate, his eyes widened, he couldn't have her passing out, there'd kick him of the quest, he ran and opened the closet door. Alex fell out and started panting, she curled up into a ball and started shaking. Claud looked down at her, why had he done that? He thought. His arms started growing goose bumps as he examined her perfect physic, and her cute pointed ears, and her.... He stopped himself, what was wrong with him? Was he really complementing this elf?

Alex stood up slowly and looked at him, her breathing still ragged, her green eyes boarded into his, and there was nothing there but hatred, she took a step forward, Claud thought she was pounce on him and tear him to pieces, but instead she walked to the cots and pushed her cot against his. Then took a blanket and a pillow from the shelf and layed them on the floor. Then she picked up a broom and started looking around for spiders. Claud stared at her, amazed that she was actually sticking to the agreement. When she finished looking she took her sleep cloths and went into the wash room to change, completely silent. He looked at the door, 'wow,' he thought 'I was not executing that.'

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