
121 6 15

TW: mentions of torture, depictions of death/murder
Regulus wants to "distance" himself from me.
He's basically trying to break up with me again but I'll be damned if I let him do that to me a second time, so instead I removed myself from the situation, plus I have a session with Professor Flitwick I need to get to.
"Ah, James, right on time" Professor Flitwick comments as I enter his classroom
"Afternoon, Professor" I reply "What spell are we covering today?" I ask
"Pestis Incendium" Professor Flitwick replies
"The Fiendfyre spell?" I ask
"The very same" Professor Flitwick replies, beaming at the fact that I knew which spell he was referring to.
"Is that not too dangerous of a curse for us to use, Professor?" I ask
"As much as we are trying to be the better side of the war, we cannot fight and win this war with simple spells, with defensive spells only, you and I will have to cover dangerous ones, offensive ones" Professor Flitwick replies
"I suppose so" I state
"Now, the Fiendfyre curse can only be controlled and stopped by it's caster, however, the spell is a tricky one, and should you lose focus the spell can prove to be very dangerous indeed, fatal, even, the caster can lose control, so this one must be perfected" Flitwick explains firmly.
"Are you sure this is a spell we can teach to the Order?" I ask
"A fair few of our Order members will already be familiar with this spell, however, you musn't have doubts about your fellow Order members, doubting their abilities can hinder our progress" Professor Flitwick replies "Anyway, once you have mastered the spell, which, with your success rate, shouldn't be long, it should be easy for us to teach the rest of the Order together" Flitwick continues
"Yeah I suppose you're right, Sir" I reply curtly.
Professor Flitwick offers me a smile before clearing his throat and lifting his wand to show me the spell, however, we are promptly interrupted by a phoenix patronus.
"An attack is happening in Kent, we must act now, we rendezvous in the fields off the grounds, you have fifteen minutes before the portkey works" The Phoenix announces.
Professor Flitwick and I exchange a look "We'd best get going" Professor Flitwick states matter of factly and I nod in agreement "Yes I think we must" I reply
We don't say anything else, instead we rush out of the classroom, practically running, and neither of us slow down until we're off Hogwarts grounds and at the rendezvous point.
I search for Sirius who is with Remus and Peter and I exhale a breath of relief knowing I can see them.
I walk over to them to stand with them so at least I know where they are at the beginning of the battle.
"Where's Reggie?" Asks Sirius
"Not a clue, I was with Flitwick" I reply.
I then find myself searching for Regulus but I can't seem to find him. I hope he isn't being forced to fight for the other side again, but nothing is fair in war.
The Portkey activates and we all hold on to the ripped cushion and are all immediately transported to Kent.
We land just off the side of where the battle is taking place. Already Order members are taking and casting spells in all directions and the sight of it heightens my anxiety. I push the feeling down, deciding that I can feel it all later, for now I need to remain neutral and focused, emotions are weakness in a war, and I can't afford to be weak here.
Sirius, Remus, Peter and I exchange a look and mutually agree to head into the battle and split off to do what we need to do and trust that we can defend ourselves and make it out in the end.
This battle isn't just Death Eaters. This battle involves Dementors, which makes things slightly more difficult, but not too much considering Professor Flitwick helped me to master the Patronus Charm.
Luckily, I manage to avoid the dementors at the beginning, however, soon enough, I see the dementors attacking Sirius and I won't stand by and watch my friend have his soul sucked out, helpless to stop it.
"Expecto Patronum!" I exclaim strongly and firmly, holding my ground as a bright, silvery blue, glowing stag bursts from the tip of my wand. The stag storms over to the group of dementors surrounding Sirius and scares them all off, the Stag fiercely protects Sirius until I'm sure the coast is clear and I drop the spell.
"Thanks, Prongs" Sirius says breathlessly "I never want to experience dementors like that again" Sirius adds
"No worries, Pads, I've always got your back" I reply, clapping his shoulder before moving on.
I find myself searching for Regulus, I just need to know he's alive, I need to know he's safe. If he isn't here he's definitely safe, but I need to know, I need to make sure. I can't lose him.
I spot Remus, who looks as though he'a about to begin a duel with Severus Snape and I decide to stand close by just in case Snape tries something sneaky with Remus.
"I'm surprised they let you fight, Loony" Snape snarls
"I'm surprised anyone wants you on their side no matter how desperate the war effort gets" Remus replies, equally as vehemently.
"Well, at least I'm not one of your kind" Snape retorts
"What, an actual tolerable person?" Asks Remus, eyebrow raised
"You know exactly what I mean" Snape replies angrily
"Unfortunately for you, I have brain cells, so I'm not able to follow your poor line of thought" Remus states dismissively
"Oh you are going to regret that attitude of yours" Snape warns, raising his wand. I watch Remus grip his and I grip mine all the same.
"Eavesdropping are we, pumpkin?" Asks Bellatrix, causing me to swivel on my feet to face her.
"Nose are we, Bellatrix?" I ask, she grins at me.
"Oh you are fun!" Exclaims Bellatrix "but not as fun as me" She adds "Crucio" She says delicately
Pain courses through me and I scream out, I can hear myself scream.
"Crucio" she says again and once more the pain courses through me, latching on to every nerve in my body, the pain consuming me, encasing me, engulfing me.
I feel like it will never end, I feel trapped in the abyss that is pain.
I may never escape.
I feel myself scream until my throat feels hoarse, I writhe under the spell until my muscles ache from tensing.
The pain stops for a moment, all I have is a moment, but that's all I need.
As shaky and worn out as I am I push away my emotions, I stand up shakily and clear my mid, shaking my head slightly.
I raise my wand.
"Bombarda" I aim my spell at the ground and send Bellatrix flying backwards. She barely has time to get her bearings before I hit her with another spell "Expelliarmus" I catch her wand and throw it amidst the battle "Patrificus Totalus" I state, causing her to freeze up before I walk off.
Remus has started a full blown duel with Snape and I keep a close watch on him. Remus can usually hold his own in a duel but it was a full moon a few days ago and he's still quite weak so he's losing this battle.
I step in to help him and he appreciates it.
I share a look with Remus and it's almost like we connect in some way because I can tell by the glint in his eye that he and I have the same idea so we raise our wands in sync "Stupefy!" We exclaim, sending to curses in Snape's direction, sending him flying straight into a brick wall, knocking him out cold.
"Nicely done, Moons" I say with a grin
"Likewise, Prongs" Remus replies with a similar grin before we part ways to continue on.
"James, help!" Peter yelps, he's facing the wrath of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and he's holding his own pretty well all things considered, but I step in no questions asked, no hesitation.
We both throw defensive spells one after the other until we cause both of them to falter which is where we latch onto our opportunity, we throw spell after spell their way until they are well and truly defeated and then we move on.
Right, I've helped all of my friends, now it's time for me to continue searching for Regulus.
I catch sight of Barty Crouch Jr so maybe Regulus is close by.
I don't find Regulus, but I find my Mum who is being pinned down by someone.
I rush over.
"Confundus" I state, the Death Eater topples off of my Mother
"Alarte Ascendare" I state, sending the Death Eater flying into the air before hitting them with "Expluso" causing them to explode mid air.
I just killed someone because they hurt my Mother.
I can feel guilty for that later.
"Thank you, Sweetheart" My Mum says, quickly placing a kiss to my forehead before moving on in the battle.
A rush of fire moves past me, scraping over my arm, I grit my teeth and groan in pain before I send a defensive spell in the direction the fireball came from before I continue searching for Regulus.
The battle is so busy, so full on, it's overwhelming and I'm not sure how much longer I can last in this setting in a calm state, I don't know how much longer I can last suppressing my emotions because I can feel them all building up and I feel as though I might explode.
I finally catch sight of Regulus who is helping Evan Rosier in a duel.
Evan is calling for someone and my guess is that he's calling for Barty to help them. They're head to head with Emmeline Vance and her apparent new boyfriend: Dirk Perryman. It's intense and it's not looking good for them.
I want to help, but the universe has other ideas because I come face to face with a Death Eater who looks as though they want a fight, and a fight they shall have.
"Diffindo" The Death Eater states the moment I shout "Reducto"
The curses collide and it takes strength of mind and power for is to battle it out. I swing my wand to the side to break the spells and they both fizzle out.
This takes the Death Eater by surprise which gives me an opportunity.
"Incendio" I say, shooting fire in their direction, but it seems as though they have a quick reaction time because they retaliate "Aguamenti" They cast, sending water my way which hits me in the face. I'm taken by surprise and for a moment I'm frozen in the belief that I'm drowning.
I then remember that I can move my other limbs and just as I'm about to run out of breath to hold I kneel down, moving my face out of the firing line for the stream of water shot in my direction.
"Patrificus Totalus" I exclaim, catching the Death Eater off guard. They freeze up and fall flat on their back, no longer a threat to me.
I turn my attention back to Regulus, Evan and Barty, the duel is just as intense as it was, but it seems as though Regulus, Evan and Barty have an upper hand which I shouldn't feel relieved about but it means Regulus is fine and alive and that's what matters to me.
It happens so quickly.
I watch Barty shoot the killing curse at Dirk Perryman, hitting him square in the chest and Dirk drops like dead weight.
Emmeline releases a guttral anger filled scream and fires a killing curse.
But she doesn't fire it at Barty.
It hits someone else.
Evan drops to the floor. Dead.
Barty screams so horribly it makes me feel sick.
Emmeline drops dead and Barty goes on a rampage.
It's not long before we retreat, deciding Barty is too dangerous to face.


Hello there my lovelies!!

So so sorry for the lack of updates I've been a busy bee!! I also was unsure of how to write this one but I finally figured it out.
This one was VERY war heavy, which will kind of be how most of the chapters will be from here on out because we are so so close to the end now it's exciting, scary and sad but you guys are not ready for my plans but anyway!!!!!!
Unfortunately Evan had to die for the progression of this fic....
Rip Evan you would have loved Tumblr x
That was far too soon on my part but anyway, apart from the death I hope yous enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day my loves!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,
Blue <3

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