Prism's family

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Today Prism invited Trickee to come over to her house to meet her family outside of Tracy for the first time and brought Branch along with him 

Trickee: Branch do you think I can do this

Branch: I am surprised to you are actually seeing nervous 

Trickee: well I just want to make a good impression on her family 

Branch: you'll be fine Trickee

Then they see a woman who looks similar to Lapis and Sapphire 

Trickee: hi you be Prism's mom right 

Prism's mom: yes but you can call me Gemma Trickee

Trickee: ok Gemma

Then the boys went inside the house where Prism saw them 

Prism: hey guys 

Trickee: hey Prism I like your house 

Prism: thank you and I see you met my mother 

Trickee: yeah

Gemma: hey Branch is your mom's name Lapis 

Branch: yeah why

Gemma: because you look so much like her it was horrible that driver hit her

Branch: yeah 

And then two kids who looked roughly ten and eleven years old came into the room 

Kid one: hey mom whose this

Kid two: come on sis the one with the purple hair is Prism's boyfriend 

Prism: he is not Coal 😠

Gemma: what did I tell you guys about teasing your sister 

Coal: not to 🙄

Prism: anyway this is Gadget and Coal my younger sister and brother 

Branch are you guys twins 

Gadget: no I'm 19 months older than Coal

Then Prism's dad showed up 

Prism: guys this is my dad 

Trickee: uh it's nice to meet you uhh 

Prism's dad: you can just call me Jet

Branch: wow for some reason I was imagining you be stricter no offense 

Jet: none taken I just wanted Prism to be safe that's all 

Branch: wow John Dory could learn a thing or two about that from you 

And then Jet froze for a bit he heard Branch mention his brother's name 

Prism: dad are you ok 

Jet: yes I'm fine don't worry about me Pris 

Prism: ok 

Then the boys went to check out Prism's bedroom which was had pictures of her favorite skaters and some of her skateboards were in there

Trickee: so wait you like me 

Prism: oh Gadget and Coal gave it away 

Branch: this makes me glad that me and Blossom are only a few minutes apart 

Prism: I hope you guys don't make fun of me for this *blushes* 

Trickee: no no it's alright because I actually like you too *blushes*

And then the two shared a kiss together with Branch trying not too feel like a third wheel until Gadget and Coal bursted in the room and saw them kissing 

Gadget and Coal: Trickee and Prism sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage 😆😆

Prism: dang it you two 😡 

And as Prism was chasing her younger siblings for interrupting her moment with Trickee Branch started to wonder if there was a possibility that he could be related to Prism 

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