The Stakepark

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This Morning Trickee got up and got ready for school seeing his parents, Leo and May along with his younger brother Chase and the twins Diego and Peach who were in their high chairs 

Chase: I can't wait to go to hang out with my friends at the skate park 🛹 

Trickee: well it's time for us to go 

Diego and Peach: bye bye 😄 👋😄👋

May: by Trickee, bye Chase remember no unleashing live animals 

Leo: hopefully someday the twins will be well behaved kids 

Diego: *spits up his peas* 

Peach: *pushes her bowl off the table* 😆

Leo: maybe I will take them to daycare 

At school 

Prism: hey Trickee *kisses him*

Chase: oooo 😏

Trickee: Chase do you need something other than a opportunity to tease me 😒 *thinking* I can't wait for Chase to fall in love so I can tease him as payback 

Chase: oh I just need to talk to Prism about the skate team you should join since you are getting along better with Tracy now 

Trickee: a chance to hang out with both my brother and my girlfriend ok 

Then after school he heads to the skate park and sees Prism with three other people 

Chase: ok Trickee the one playing on the Gs6 is Wheels 

Wheels: so your Chase's brother it's nice to meet you 😄 I was just playing Pixels 

Girl: it's nice to meet you Trickee I'm Tricka 😄

Trickee: wow your name sounds similar to mine 

Tricka: yeah what a coincidence I bet that probably could have been your name in a different world 😂

Trickee: actually my mom said that if I was born a girl she would have named me Tricks 😂

Boy: what's he doing here 😡

Chase: oh Confusion this my brother Trickee and he was hoping to join us 

Trickee: I thought Tracy was the leader 

Prism: oh she's studying for SATs since she's graduating this year 

Confusion: so she left me in charge of the skate team because I'm the best besides her 

Wheels: I thought she picked you because we span a wheel and it happened to land on you 

Confusion: that's not the point 

Chase: my brother won't let you down because I learned everything I know from him 

Prism: ok Trickee show them your skills *kisses Trickee on the cheek*

Confusion: 😡

And Trickee demonstrates his skills 

Trickee: how did I do 😄

Chase: you did great big bro 😄

Wheels: awesome 🤩 

Tricka: I think you're the best 😄

Confusion: meh 😒 

Team: what 😧😧😧😧

Confusion: fine all in favor Trippy joining the team 

Team: ✋✋✋✋

Trickee: wahoo I made it 😄

Confusion was upset about this because he had a crush on Prism and he was upset that she ended up with Trickee instead of him and he decided to get Trickee off the team by putting him in a accident that will leave him horribly injured 

Trickee: what's the first thing we are doing 

Then Confusion decides to loosen some wheels on a skateboard so Trickee could fall off a half pipe

Confusion: we usually start with the half pipe 

Chase: I'll go first *grabs the sabotaged skateboard* 

Confusion: *Thinking* what no that was supposed to be for Trickee😡

Then Chase went and he flew off and he crashes into the girl who was just sitting on the bench drawing and he sees Christal

Christal: are you ok Sofia 😨

Sofia: I'm fine 😵‍💫

Chase: I'm so sorry Sofia I don't know what happened 😣

Sofia: *blushes* no it's fine Chase 

Chase: wait you know my name 

Christal: hard to forget the kid who decided to release live frogs to school 

Chase: fair enough 

Wheels: hey Chase are you ok

Chase: yeah I'm fine this was one of those moments that demonstrates the importance of wearing a helmet 

Wheels: good and maybe Prism can help fix your skateboard 

Sofia: well see you later *leaves with Christal* 

Chase: yeah see you later *blushes* 

Wheels: don't worry your secret is safe with me 

Then the two head back 

Confusion: so Prism if Trickee was injured what would you do 

Prism: well I would stay by his side until he recovers 

Trickee: Chase are you ok 

Chase: yeah I'm alright Trickee

Trickee: good because mom would kill me if you ended up in the hospital 

Confusion what that was your Skateboard Chase 

Chase: yeah Trickee and I placed our initials on it 

Confusion: so that's why it was the wrong person 

Team: what 😨😨😨😨

Trickee: what were you trying to kill me 😡

Confusion: no I'm not going to get arrested for murder no I was trying to make sure that you were too injured to be on the time 

Wheels: why 😨

Tricka: how could you 😨

Prism: wait until Tracy hears about this 😡

Confusion: why is it hard for a guy to keep the love of his life to himself Prism I was in love with you for a while and then you had to be swept off your feet by Trippy here 😡 and I should've gotten away just like how I tagged the vice principal's car and got someone to take the fall

Wheels: that's horrible 

Tricka: this honestly feels more like a unhealthy obsession than true love 

Chase: hey my brother's name is Trickee 😡

Then Confusion left the park 

Prism: come on Confusion be rational 

Confusion: Prism you don't deserve to be with him you deserve to be with me 😡

Prism: you don't own me and I should make my own choices for who I want to be with Trickee is the sweetest guy I met and I want you to leave me and him alone 😡

Then Confusion went on the street where the vice principal was driving listening to his music happy that her car being rid of the graffiti on it and she doesn't pay attention and accidentally hits Confusion 

Prism: 😱

Vice Principal: my car I just new paint on it 😱

Confusion: ow my leg 😣

He will be fine his leg was just broken but Tracy did find out that Confusion tried to injure her cousin's boyfriend and she kicked him off the skate team

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