Detention buddies

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Boom was in English class today and he noticed that Mr. Brick was a lot more cranky than usual today 

Mr. Brick: and can you tell me the themes of Garden of Time 

Boom: um is one of them about love and how fragile time is 

Mr. Brick: that's incorrect 

Boom: but I actually read it and that was the message 

Mr. Brick: last I checked I'm the teacher and what I say goes

Boom: why do you hate me 

Mr. Brick: and why are you just questioning me your just a dumb stupid student who can't focus 

Boom: but can't you ever just give me props for trying 

Mr. Brick: that's it because you have been disruptive you will come to the school on Saturday 

At lunch 

Branch: wait what happened 

Boom: Mr. Brick was accusing me of being disruptive and now I got Saturday detention 😔

Trickee: that's impressive 

Hype: what don't encourage this 

Branch: you should be careful because I heard that Shade and Shadow practically rule detention 

Blossom: what 😨 *thinking* I can't let him get hurt I am going to save him from this Saturday detention 

Then the next day Boom's parents Kopa and Renee took him to school and they were upset at the school for accusing him of being a disruptive student 

Renee: Boom don't worry I am seeing if your aunt Bloom and uncle Vine can afford some lawyers 

Kopa: Renee I get that Boom was unfairly put in detention but I don't think we need to call my sister to file a lawsuit on the school 

Renee: Kopa our only child is getting a unfair detention 😡

Boom: yeah mom just let me go along *to himself* and hopefully not make Shade and Shadow want to kill me 

Renee: what was that 

Boom: umm nothing 

And little did he know Blossom decided that she was going to save Boom from certain death in detention and that she made herself invisible 

Boom: *thinking* please there be no bullies 😣

Boy: hey how are you my names Dario 😄

Boom: oh I'm Boom and what are doing here 

Dario: I got accused of unwarranted violence because someone was picking my little sister Sofia 

Boom: oh no I'm here because my English teacher accused me of being disruptive but I think he was looking for a excuse to throw me in here 

Dario: what 

Boom: yeah and my dad is trying to talk to my mom out of filing a lawsuit against the school but who's everyone else 

Dario: who

Boom: the other people in detention 

Dario: oh well first there is Moss 

Moss: hey 

Boom and you're here because 

Moss: I released a ton of live frogs in school along with Chase 

Boom: I think I know a Chase

Moss: does he have a older brother named Trickee 

Boom: yeah 

Moss: this was Chase's idea because he was inspired by when Trickee managed to get unleash snakes and rats in the school but I told them it was my idea to bad it didn't save him from being grounded by his parents 

Boom: *thinking* Chase still remembers that too bad we can't tell him why that happened 

Trunk: hey there my name is Trunk and I ended up here because my science teacher was highly incompetent and I was having to correct him a lot and he didn't like that and I guess there goes my chances of getting into a really good college being with my crush Mushroom 😔

Boom: I think Mushroom would understand if you tell him that it's not your fault 

Trunk: and how do you know 

Boom: I actually have him in my English class and he's very nice 

Dario: and that's Florian

Florian: it's nice to meet you 

Boom: and how did you 

Florian: oh I was just standing around when this boy who I think is part of that skateboard group came and he asked me to hold his spray paint can and it turned out that he tagged the vice principal's car and he had me take the fall

Boom: I'm sorry you got framed for something you didn't do 

Florian: it's alright at least I wasn't in prison 

Girl: that's why I don't go trusting random people 

Boom: and who's she 

Dario: oh I saved the best for last this is one of the closest friends to my sister Sofia, Christal

Boom: and how did you get in here 

Christal: oh I was in a morning rush perks of being the oldest of three kids and I forgot to take my math homework with me and Mr. Geo has very low patience despite the fact I'm autistic and on a IEP and didn't even give a chance to explain and he gave me Saturday detention despite the fact that I'm the only one in their that actually tries to be a good student 

Boom: I get that struggle 

Moss: so is everyone here in detention for absurd reasons 

Christal: says the one who unleashed live frogs in the school despite the last time live animals were unleashed the school had to be closed for the day 😒

Moss: that's besides the point 

Boom: wow I was not expecting to make friends in detention of all places 

Everyone else: us too 

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