Two Roses

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Rose was getting ready for the school as she checked and she saw that she had accidentally scheduled a hangout with her childhood friends Chestnut, Winter, Lollipop and Boom and her hangout with her friends Prism, Pearl, Ivy and Summer on the same day 

Rose: what 😨  no no no no no

Then Rose's dad Vine went to check on Rose 

Vine: hey Rosie what's going on 

Rose: not much dad 

Vine: ok your mom made breakfast 🧇 

Then later at school she started wondering about how to deal with the situation when she remembered that her cousin is friends with merman so she can go see if he has a solution to her problem 

Rose: hey Branch

Branch: yeah

Rose: do you know magic 

Branch: kinda but I'm still learning so I'm not as good at it as Blossom or Boo are 

Rose: do you know how make someone be in two places at once 

Branch: I think so but we have to do this after school 

Rose: ok

After school 

Branch: ok I found a spell that can a copy of yourself I tested it on a apple 

Rose: ok 

Branch: Duplicatus 

Then there were two Roses

Rose (main): did it work Branch 

Rose (clone): did it work Branch 

Rose (main): hi 👋 

Rose (clone): hi 👋 

Rose (main): do you copy everything I say 

Rose (clone): do you copy everything I say

Branch: *checks the spell book to see if he did anything wrong*

Rose (clone): I'm just kidding. I can say anything I want just like you Rose.

Rose (main): oh phew well can you hangout with my friends Prism, Pearl, Ivy and Summer while I hang out with my friends Chestnut, Lollipop, Winter and Boom 

Rose (clone): sure you're friends are my friends 😊

Then Rose leaves not knowing because was not experienced enough even to her clone looks exactly like her she had a rotten personality and one of the first things she did was try to lock Branch in his room 

Prism: hey Rose 

Rose (clone): hey Prim 

Pearl: *thinking* ok something wrong with Rose

Summer: oh how was your day 

Rose (clone): just same old boring classes 

Ivy: I never heard you call classes boring 

Meanwhile the actual Rose was with her friends and she saw that Chestnut brought his younger sister Cherry Blossom and she met his girlfriend Clair

Boom: it feels nice to have the group together again 😊

Winter: same 

Lollipop: agreed 

Boom: how are you doing Cherry 

Cherry Blossom: I'm doing good though Chestnut and Clair kiss a lot 

Chestnut and Clair: 😳😳

Rose: I'm sure she's only saying that because she's 12 

Then while they went on a walk together Rose bumps into a boy around her age who looked liked he was coming back from fencing practice and she instantly recognized his face 

Rose: Fin is that you 

Fin: Rose it's be so long 😄 *picks her up and hugs her*

Cherry Blossom: who is he 

Boom: oh yeah you were little but this is Fin

Winter: yeah he was one of our old friends who when we were six years old his dad got a job in another city so they had to move away 

Rose: Fin you had grown so much I remember when you were this shy kid 

Fin: so have you *blushes* but I see you still wear a rose in your hair 

Rose: thanks *blushes*

Lollipop: I see what's happening here 😏

Chestnut: yeah Rose is in love 

Boom: but I remember them saying that they would never fall in love with each other when we were kids 

Clair: I mean things change 

Meanwhile Prism and Ivy were starting to get confused by "Rose's" mean streak until they saw Branch and Blossom 

Branch: stop right there fake Rose

Summer: wait fake 🤨

Rose (clone): how did you get out

Branch: you forgot to lock the window 

Rose (clone): I hate that you had to ruin my fun 😡

Pearl: so let me get this straight that's a clone

Branch: yes

Then the evil Rose clone grabbed a cup of water and threw it at Branch causing him to enter his merman form 

Prism and Summer: so mermaids have been real all along cool

Ivy: WHAT 😨 how can you three be so calm

Pearl: well I already knew 

Prism: I'm just glad to know that my mom was wrong about mermaids not existing 

Summer: you know me Ives

Rose (clone): 😡😫 I HATE YOU FOUR AND I HATE TO DO THIS *pulls out a knife* 🔪 

But before the copy could attack anyone Blossom used her magic to get rid off Rose's evil duplicate and the next morning the girls decided to talk about what happened to Rose

Rose: hey guys what happened 

Ivy: oh I don't know yesterday we almost got killed by a copy of you 

Rose: what 

Pearl: they know Rose

Summer: but why would you make a copy of yourself 

Rose: well I discovered that I had planned a hangout with you and my other friends on the same day and I didn't want to let anyone down 😔

Prism: if you told us what happened we would have understood 

Ivy: yeah would be a improvement over creating murders clones 

Summer: yeah Rose we're your friends we will be ok with anything 

Rose: aww thanks guys 🥹

Then all five friends hugged 

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