Detention rescue

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Blossom: ok that was easy now to find where this detention room is 

Then she bumps into Ms. Brooks 

Ms. Brooks: Blossom what are doing here 

Blossom: I'm just trying to save one of my friends 

Ms. Brooks: no Blossom go home your friend will be fine *leaves*

Blossom: yeah that's not happening 

Then she sees a vent and climbs inside based on something she saw John Dory watching once not realizing Boom has been bonding with the other people in detention 

Boom: i didn't realize that this was going to be fun

Christal: same here Boom

Dario: maybe we can tell Sofia about this experience too lighten up her mood 

Moss: what happened with Sofia 

Christal: she broke up with her boyfriend Chris recently and now he's decided to become a bully to her and he's been making fun of her art I swear if I didn't have morals I would kill him 

Trunk: wow that's a lot of drama 

Florian: what else can we do 


Boom: oh no 😥 

Moss: what are you doing here Shade 😡

Shade: oh come on Moss you know that I'm a frequent here 

Trunk: oh no that means Shadow and Emerald are here to 😰

Shade: are you stupid it's just me today Emerald is on a stupid trip with her family and Shadow recently got arrested and now has to do community service to avoid jail and his parents are making him see a therapist 😒

Christal: oh finally something is being done about the king of Nightmares 

Shade: how dare you 

Moss: come at us we're not afraid 

Trunk: actually a fight like this is highly unrealistic because it's one person and six people and we are mostly likely are going to win this by a

Shade: just shut up glasses wearing I'll get Shadow to deal with you guys later *leaves*

Florian: wow I actually thought something was going to happen 

Then the vents broke and Blossom fell out 

Blossom: 😣 I'm never going in those again 

Boom: Blossom what are you doing here 😧

Blossom: I could not stand to see you get tortured in detention so I went to save you 

Christal: 😂  

Trunk: nobody is in danger 

Then Mr. Brick and Ms. Brooks came into the classroom 

Ms. Brooks: Blossom what are you doing here I told you to go home 

Mr. Brick: and what are you doing not being miserable Boom😡

Ms. Brooks: what that's what you're more upset about 

Mr. Brick:  yes Kendall because how else am I supposed to get revenge on Renee 

Christal: what are you talking about who's Renee

Dario: your first name is Kendall 🤨

Trunk: I'm more interested in what does Renee have to do with Boom 

Boom: that's my mom her name was Renee

Mr. Brick: wow looks like you can think well it's because Renee was the love of my life and once I got the courage to ask her out she rejected me in favor of Kopa and you would believe how much more of a opportunity to learn that Boom has ADHD 

Christal: let me get this straight you have been hating Boom for this entire school year all because his mom wasn't interested in you 😑

Moss: that's complete garbage it's like you are saying that you hate him for existing 

Trunk: what is wrong with you 

Mr. Brick: so what if I hate Boom for existing and reminding me of the woman who rejected me I lied to the principal how disrespectful you are to me and I can even get you expelled from Northshore  High 

Principal Trustee: what you lied to me 😨

Christal: how much of this did you hear 

Principal Trustee: I heard everything Brick how could you lie to me I never even looked at everyone's files because I trusted everyone 

Trunk: this feels very irresponsible 

Principal Trustee: I'm too devastated by this revelation so you kids can go home 🥺

And so the group left school very weirded out by the turn of events but they were glad to make some new friends with each other 

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