Ellick fletc academy Part five

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The days and nights continued on in a state of repeat for months until one day in the bullpen at the NCIS headquarters, which was buzzing with activity. Agents hurriedly shuffled paperwork, answered phone calls, and exchanged banter. Ellie Bishop sat at her desk, her swollen belly pressing against the edge. She was due any day now, but she'd insisted on working until the last possible moment.

"Ellie," Tony DiNozzo called from across the room, "you sure you should be here? You look like you're about to pop!"

She chuckled, rubbing her belly. "I'm fine, Tony. Just waiting for this little one to make her grand entrance."

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen. Ellie gasped, gripping the edge of her desk. The bullpen fell silent, all eyes on her.

"Is it time?" McGee asked, concern etching his face.

"I think so," Ellie replied, her voice strained. "My water just broke."

Chaos erupted. Gibbs barked orders, directing everyone to clear a path. Ellie wobbled to her feet, clutching her belly. She couldn't believe this was happening right here, right now.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Gibbs shouted, his gruff exterior cracking just a bit.

But Ellie shook her head. "No time. I can't wait. She's coming."

She staggered toward the bullpen's corner, where a makeshift birthing area had been set up. Abby had insisted on it, just in case. Now, it seemed like a stroke of genius.

McGee helped Ellie down onto a pile of blankets. Tony grabbed a first aid kit, his hands trembling. Ziva stood by, her expression a mix of awe and panic.

"Deep breaths, Ellie," Abby said, kneeling beside her. "You've got this."

Ellie nodded, her face flushed. The pain intensified, and she squeezed Abby's hand. She could hear the distant wail of sirens outside, but she didn't care. All that mattered was bringing her daughter into the world.

"Push!" Abby encouraged.

Ellie pushed with all her might, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the blanket. The bullpen lights seemed too bright, the walls too close. She focused on her breathing, on the tiny life she was about to meet.

And then, in a rush of pain and joy, Alexandria Torres entered the world. Ellie collapsed back, tears streaming down her face. Abby placed the squirming baby on her chest, and Ellie marveled at the tiny fingers and button nose.

"She's beautiful," Ziva whispered, her eyes shining.

Tony handed Ellie a towel, and she gently wiped the vernix from Alexandria's skin. The bullpen had transformed into a birthing suite, and Ellie felt a surge of gratitude for her quirky, caring team.

Gibbs stood back, his gruff exterior firmly back in place. "Welcome to the world, Alexandria," he said gruffly.

As the paramedics finally arrived, Ellie held her daughter close. She glanced around the bullpen, at the faces of her colleagues who had become family. They'd witnessed her most vulnerable moment, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.

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