Ellick fletc academy Part six

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Ellie Bishop sat on a cold, damp floor, her hands bound behind her back. The flickering light bulb above her head cast eerie shadows on the walls. Her heart raced as she glanced at her two-year-old daughter, Alexandria, huddled in the corner, eyes wide with fear.

Across from them stood Leo Silva, a man with a twisted smile. His eyes bore into Ellie's, filled with malice. Beside him, his children, Daniel and Elena, circled like vultures. They knew Ellie's weakness—the man she loved, Nick Torres, who was deep undercover in Argentina, infiltrating the Silvas' criminal empire.

"Tell us, Agent Bishop," Leo sneered, "how does it feel to know your precious Nick is playing both sides? Betraying you while cozying up to Elena."

Ellie clenched her jaw. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction. "Nick is doing what's necessary to bring your family down," she replied, her voice steady. "And he'll succeed."

Daniel laughed, a cruel sound. "Oh, Ellie, you're so naive. Nick's loyalty is fickle. He'll abandon you when it suits him."

Alexandria whimpered, and Ellie's heart shattered. She had to protect her daughter. "Leave her out of this," Ellie demanded. "She's innocent."

Elena stepped forward, her eyes venomous. "Innocence won't save you, Ellie. You see, we've been watching you. We know your weaknesses. Nick's brother-in-law? Dead. His sister? Next on our list."

Ellie's mind raced. She had to buy time. "Why not just kill me now?" she challenged. "What's the game?"

Leo leaned in, his breath foul. "Because, my dear, we want Nick to suffer. We'll break him by taking away everything he loves. Starting with you."

As the hours dragged on, Ellie endured their taunts, her resolve unyielding. She whispered comforting words to Alexandria, promising they'd escape. But how?

Then, a faint sound—a distant siren. Backup? Ellie's heart soared. She glanced at Alexandria, who clung to her stuffed bunny, eyes wide.

"Your time is up," Leo spat. "Say goodbye, Ellie."

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