Arena Escape

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With their new friend Punguari, they were now breaking out every victim trap here. However, Joyce got alerted about this and was about to go on a killing spree. The others were about to make their escape when they got confronted by Joyce. Eliza wasn't going down without a fight and neither was Lincoln.

Joyce then makes a pig-lie screech, summoning primordial dogs. The group however, fought back against them. Even Punguari, who takes the form of a jaguar to fight them. Lincoln faces down his old enemy and bites her. However, some of the wild dogs tried to overpower him.

Sam came in and helped him. And so did her little brother too. They soon eliminated Joyce and escaped the arena. It was one hell of an escape, but in the end was worth it as they thought many of her loyal bandits and raiders along the way.

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