Chapter 6

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The night before had been a mistake. Nursing a headache, Idana had, after an hour of searching, found a quiet nook in the Academy library she could retreat into in a desperate bid for peace and quiet. Gabri had found her just as she had settled in, cracking open a book on magical theorems.

Though the young girl had drunk twice as much as Idana, she seemed none the worse for wear. Instead, she seated herself right next to Idana and, with an easy smile, nattered on and on about last night, eager to recount her good fortune in meeting Jyorvik Brinestorm: a pioneer in the budding field of chemistry.

According to Gabri, the two of them had chatted most of the night.

"—you think, Idana? Do you think I'll be ready?"

It took a moment or two for Idana to look up from the swirl of words she was trying to read and realise Gabri had asked her a question. By then, the girl was impatiently drumming her fingers on the desk as she waited for an answer.

Idana took a few seconds to close her eyes and gather her eyes. When she opened them again, she turned to Gabri. "Sorry. Could you repeat that again?"

The younger girl let out a frustrated sigh. "I asked you whether or not I should take the internship. Aleus says to wait but Brinestorm needs an answer by week's end. And I just know it'll be exactly what I need to figure out if I should continue down this path or if I should look to change focus. It's a shame I can't just be a mage. Things would be so much easier if magic just ran in my blood."

"Well, you should do what you think is best," replied Idana. "That's how I usually see it, anyways." She srugged. "If it were up to me, I'd take the chance and just go with it. See where it led me. Don't think on it too hard, Gabri."

Her answer, however, didn't seem to be enough to appease Gabri. The redhead gripped her skirt tightly with her too pale hands. "I know all that. But what if there's something better just around the corner? What if I meet Amadeus Golbrum? And he hears I took up with Brinestorm? The feud between the two of them is notorious! What then?"

Idana didn't know who Amadeus Golbrum was. Nor did she care. But it was clear Gabri was stressed and unhappy about the choice she would eventually have to make, even though opportunity had come knocking on her door. For anyone else, it would be the chance of a lifetime. For Gabri, on the other hand, it meant sleepless nights as she turned over the consequences, riddled with worry.

Sometimes it was so easy to forget Gabri was a lot younger than her and Qina. At the Academy, she carried with her an air of quiet confidence and intelligence that it was easy to mistake it for maturity. Deep down though, Idana suspected Gabri was more than likely afraid and unsure of her place. After all, despite her many talents, she was just a ten-year-old girl.

"Hey, hey, hey," said Idana, reaching around an arm to comfort the girl. "I might not know much about these kinds of things or who might be the best fit for you, but what I do know, Gabri, is you're talented and smart. No matter what you decide, it'll be the right choice."

"You sure?"

"Positive. And I'm doubly sure Qina and Aleus will support whatever decision you make." Idana flashed Gabri what she hoped was a confident smile. Despite the dull pounding in her temples, she knew Gabri needed her at her best right now. "And don't you still have a week? Why don't you list some of the benefits of taking up the internship followed by what you think might be the downsides. Isn't that what you and Aleus usually do when it comes to these kinds of things?"

Silence followed her words. And then Idana felt arms wrap around her waist as Gabri tightly embraced her. "You're right, Idana. Thank you," sniffed Gabri. "You know, you aren't too bad at this advice kind of thing. Qina doesn't give you enough credit."

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