EIM PART 2- Chapter 25: Brilliant Ideals

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Everyone was so kind. They even offered me a hut nearby to stay in for a while. It was small but looked cozy. There was a living room with a red couch, television, and a cute coffee table. The floors were all wooden. The kitchen was adorable with tiny cookers and a apartment size oven and fridge. The bathroom was very small but it fit a sink with beautiful white counter. The mirror looked vintage, and the bathtub and shower looked very small. I was grateful the bedroom was cozy. It had a soft bed, cute little dresser and side table witb a lamp. As I apreciated everything I offered to help around for a way to say thank you. Mary just told me to ask Kipper, he would keep me busy.

Between the gardening, feeding animals, and cleaning, I was lucky to make time to eat. There was a lot of work that needed to be done.

Kipper had great suggestions, and I felt the more we hung out, the more I got to know him. Medusa liked him as well. She always perked up when he was around. Also, very protective when they hunted together. He always spoils her, too, giving her lots of treats.

I liked spending time with him also. He was like having a big brother always there to bug ya. He found a way to make the daily chores less boring. Kipper could also be quite a prankster. He has put worms in my shoes, notes on my back, drawing on my face when I sleep, and much more. He has never gone too far, though,just playful.

He had a charm to him. There were not many men in the pack, and a lot of the females seemed to fawn over him. He never really paid them much attention. One night, I asked him a bout that. I thought he was waiting for his mate.

He was preparing the fire to cook supper, and I was gathering the logs. I then asked, "So have you found your mate yet?" He responded quietly." I wondered when you were gonna ask that." He continued."Yes, I have. I hoped we would have spent the rest of our lives together. Meeting her was the best day of my life. She was a part of this pack. We went on dates her hair was a beautiful blond and eyes blue as the sea. I knew she was my mate first. That realization was amazing, but I wanted her to experience it, too. I got to know her and became her friend. Then her shift came, and she avoided me. I know she knew I was her mate, and when I told her family, they were excited. She was afraid I only wanted to be her friend because I knew for 2 years before she did. I explained my reasoning, and she was delighted."

He paused his story, got up, and asked me if I wanted a drink. I could tell hr was getting overwhelmed now. I felt a bit guilty, but I was excited for him. He didn't wait for my reply before handing me his bottle of Captain Morgan's Rum. I took a swig and then passed it back. He sat back down on the chair that was closer to the fire and picked up a stick, and poked at the fire. "That sounds amazing what happen, also where is she, I haven't met her?" He looked up at me and had a sad smile.

" Her name was Tilly. She is with the moongoddes now. We went hunting like every other time. Her wolf was having so much fun, she was zooming around being playful but we both stopped when we heard a noise. It was a bare, and we were not prepared for its attack. She took off to protect me, and the bare followed. I tried to watch up, but when I did, I saw her jump the bare, and they fell down a cliff. Both their bodies lay on the ground. I will never get that image out of my head." He continued to swig on the bottle, and I listened to him the rest of the night. He was telling me more happier times he had and some things he learned being a part of the Looner Pack.

I asked him, "Is Mary the Alpha of the pack. She seems to be very respected?" With a giggle, he replied, " No. The packs original alpha was killed in the last war when they fought on the wrong side. He took the cowards way out and took the other alphas bribe." " Why has no one taken over since then?" I questioned. "I think the pack needs someone who is willing to take on that responsibility." He answered.

We both passed out that night by the fire. When I woke up, his coat was on me, and he was making breakfast. Ir smelt amazing. A few pack member sat with us as they were waking up. Kipper made enough for everyone and plated it, too. When he was done, he gathered up all the younger kids and gave them their daily tasks. They all grumbled bit hopped to it.

The teens were told to start training, and the adults got to work, too. I was on dishes today. It was everyone's least favorite task. I put my headphones in and started to clean. The song "I feel good"  by James Brown played, and it motivated me to get them cleaned up.

While I was cleaning the forks and knives, my mind wondered out the window. Kipper was so good with the pack. He may not be a wolf, but he is definitely a leader. He protects this pack with his life. I must speak to Mary and see if Kipper can become Alpha. Since he is part which he could be accepted and take part in the initiations. I rush to finish up the dishes and make my way to Mary's.

I follow the long dirt path passing a few houses until I find Mary's cabin. She is sitting in her rocking chair on her porch. She notices me and give me a wave of her hand. I do so in return and shout a "Hello, how are you today." Towards her and make my way to her porch.

"I am wonderful take a seat." She tells me when I am closer. " What brings you here?" She questioned. "I had a thought but wanted to run it past you first." I pause waiting for her permission to continue. "Go on." She allows me. "Well since Kipper is a part of your pack and part which. He had the mystical ability to be initiated to be come Alpha. If he is willing to take the role would the pack accept it?"

When I finished she smiled and said "I think he would be amazing as alpha and I do think the pack would support him. The question is do you think he will want that role?" I  asked time to respond and reply to her "I will talk to him tonight. He promised to take Medusa on a run today, so I can aks him after that." She looked pleased with our conversation and with that I told her I must leave.

I stoped at my hut to put my outfit away and shift in privacy. I then let Medusa take over and she goes stright to sniff out Kipper. I can tell she picked his sent up. She gets excited because she knows he is hiding waiting dlfor her to find him. When she does he is surprised she outsmarted him. He starts running and she is playfully racing ahead of him. Some of the younger wolves start joining in the race and get playful as well. When we are all tired Kipper tells everyone it's late and they need to get back home.

They all listened as I stayed with kipper, he hands me a bag with some close in it and turns around. I shift back and get dressed. He gave me baggie shorts and a loose white tshirt. "I'm decent" I tell him when I finished. He turned around and had a cute smile. "I almost had you guys" He said joking. "Ya right" I laughed at him. "So how are you. From the look on your face you gor something you want to say?" He knew me too well sometimes.

"Yes, I'm going to get to the point. I think you would be the best fit for Alpha of the Looner Pack. You care somuch about everyone, they all respect you. You are an amazing leader." I kept babbling. Kipper interrupted me. " Holy shit, you gonna give me a chance to answer you?" I nervously laugh and wait for his answer. He grabs both my shoulders and says, "Yes, I have been thinking a lot about it and actually wanted to talk to you about it. Now I feel like I'm ready."

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