EIM PART 1- Chapter 7: To Much Info

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I wake up in a dimly lit room and panic, I hear beeping. I'm not in the forest, but I'm on a soft surface with a fluffy neck support. I look at my hands like I'm in a trance. Every part of me feels like I'm heavy but SOOO relaxed. I think I'm in a. a hospital sees all the machines and stringy things attached to me and that annoying beeping thing. I saw a string with a blue button, and I pushed it a suddenly, then a lady with a blue shirt and pants came in.

I back away when she gets to close and jump to a fighting stance on my knees and arms up in defence. Xena growls, but just a warning to get too close. We don't know her. She shifted her neck to the left and submitted to me so quickly that I was expecting a little challenge. Xena retrieves to the back of my mind but still on guard keen to everything around us.

"I'm Nancy Growing. I am the betta female. How are you feeling, Mia?" I look at her shocked. How did this Nancy lady know my name. Is she like physics? "How do you know my name?" I ask suspiciously, but I pounce towards her and sniff her, then rub my face to hers. Xena starts jumping around in the back of my brain she is so happy and excited. Nancy looks confused but fascinated. When Im done rubbing my sent on her, she didn't do it back. Does she not like me? Did I overstep my place again? I wave to her and told her to come. She somehow gets my gesture and greets me as well rubbing her cheek to mine.

The next thing I know, I feel a sense of home I haven't felt in a long time. "What did you do?"I was going to ask you the same thing, Luna Mia. I never felt that before." Nancy stated. I looked at her and shook my head. "Im not your Luna Nancy, I'm Mia... Mia." I pause to think. "RedBlood." She slowly finishes for me. "Yes, how did you know that?" She waves a wooden board and says,"Your chart, my dear. It explains everything going on with your body and what your body needs to get better. So, answer my questions, and then I will answer yours." There was an awkward silence before I grunted as a reply. She smiled and sat down in a chair that could roll.

"Ok, now let's see. How are you feeling?" She said board.

"I'm fine." I reply the same board tone.

"You have no pain anywhere?" Nancy started focusing on the chart and writing things down.

"A little in my chest." It's true my heart hurt quite a bit.

"Ah yes, that's because your mate is far. Your wolf might start getting agitated very easily. As well you might feel shocks of pain as your mate longs for you. Keep in mind that he feels it, too."

My eyes widened, memories flash back at what happened, and how I must have heard. My mate, that's right, but where would he go. Did he reject me. My heart doubled over in pain. Nancy noticed and shot to my side. "Hey, everything is alright he is doing his initiation." I twist my face, implying I have no idea what she means. Taking the hint, she replies, "I will get to that. Let me finish my questions first. Just know though he hasn't rejected you."

"What was the last thing you remember?" She questioned. "I remember my mate and two more higher ranked wolves coming at my pack and myself. Then he thought I didn't want a shift and used his alphas tone on me. My wolf couldn't fight it and forced me to shift to my human. It hurt so much that it was my first time shifting back since I was 6." Then all the time that has passed has flashed before my eyes. I start to panic, I frantically ask. "How long have I been a wolf for? Where are my parents? Do they know I'm alive and well here?" I start freaking out when she didn't answer me. "Answer me. It's my turn for questions." She gave me a slight nod of her head. "But while we do this, I will ask you questions as well." She stated as a matter of fact. "Deal," I quip.

"Okay well ok lets start with. I don't know how long you have been a wolf, but if you wait, you can speak to Dr. Percy, he is the one who's been reviewing your charts and tests." She gets up and starts to be approached me to check the beeping machine and then she pulls out this weird blue strap with a white cord and a ball at the end I panic and pull away jumping from my knees to my feet on the floor. When my feet hit the floor, my legs were too wobbly, and I fell to my knees once again, but I used my hands to grip the bed. "What the fuck are you trying to do to me really man, I cant have you putting things on me that I don't know."

She turns to help me up I grunt at the movement my body feels so heavy and week now. I ask her "What about my family?" "Well they can not be found we tried to do everyway we know how to find your parents, but we came up with nothing." ......silence that's all she gives me. Well I press forward. "What about my parents or other family did they try to find me are they here?" She looks at me with a face I don't really like empathy. "We tried to find them but there was no word anywhere. To be honest, I don't see us finding they Anytime soon. Every lead we got has hit a dead end."

After Nancy check my vitals, I got the go a head to see how my physical strength was holding up. Yes, I'm doing alright but I cant seem to get my balance completely there yet. Dr. Percy has come in a few times giving me updates and says I should be able to go home very soon. When I can walk with no help. By the end of the first week being here I can tell he wanted to ask me something Important that has been itching at Him, just he hasn't rushed me. To day he seems to be at his wits end because he repeatedly opens his mouth but then shuts it. He seems like he is going to try again finally he starts.

"If you don't mind me asking but how long have you been in your wolfs form, there are, somethings I just cant make sense of?" They sensed my fear and comforted me by assuring me. "Anything you say to me will stay between just us and Nancy. It's our sworn oath to you, my Luna." For some reason Xena trust them so I guess I do to. "I shifted when I was six and my parents never taught me how to shift back. They sent me to be raised by a family pack of wolves. When the ground shook and broke we rand far away. Thankfully we all made it.

Not to long after the alpha and Luna died and their pups Mazen and Fluffy took a liking to me we grew up together, we hunt together, we got our position the day we took down a bear that was going to attack Mazen, Fluffy and I helped take it down and Mazen delivered the final kill. Oh goddess, I remember like it was yesterday the best kill we ever took down the rush was amazing.

Anyway, Mazen was our new alpha until we reached another packs territory. We submitted to them and they let us work our way in to the pack we all had our own jobs to do to keep each other safe. Even us females stuck together during the painful Time of each full moon." Dr. Percy showed interest in this and asked me if I new why I was feeling that pain. I just raised my eyebrow, looking at him as if saying proceed. Shaking his head, he avoided the question. He looked like he was mind linking Nancy because he was looking at her and she nodded her head.

"My poor girl. That explains why your wolf is so strong, but you must shift regularly after you leave here so you wolf doesn't have bad side effects such as staying away or overpowering you. Shifting regularly should help keep you two equals." He wanted to continue saying something but hesitated. He paused making and awkward silence. He pushed thru and rushed saying. "Somethings I can explain to you, but the pain and the cycle would be better if Candy or Nurse Growing explain. I believe the alpha would prefer this, anyway good luck. Nancy."

"Who is Candy?" I ask confused. "She is our gamma female. Oh shoot, you would not be able to see her till after your released. Our alphas strict orders to keep you safe till he gets back." "Okay thanks." "Now to finish this up I will leave you two ladies to. um you. I will leave you to it." He stuttered surprising me. Now Im so nervous to know what that pain is. And what the heck is the cycle. I glanced over at nurse Nancy and shoot her a worried look.

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