EIM PART 1- Chapter 17: More Games

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She has got to be the cutest six-inch pixy I have ever seen. Fairies and pixies are never seen Andy more. I take a closer look and she is crying. Feeling bad I ask her if she is alright. Her head snaps up and she looks at me horrified. "Ahhhhhhhh." She screams so loud its like a banshee. My sensitive hearing makes it like daggers are being stabbed in my ear. I cover my ears and desperately plead to her. "I'm so sorry, please stop yelling. I will go." She stops yelling gradually and sniffles. "What. What are you?" she asked. "A was wolf. Why?" I had to question. "Well no one should be able to cross the vail. It kills Andy threat that swims passed it and warns the queen if anyone passes with out permission." Just then I felt the worst pain around my left side of my chest. It felt like my heart was pulsing with pain each beat. I crumple to the floor. Gripping my breast as tight as I could I wanted to rip the pain out. Barely able to look up I reach my hand out to the fairy for help she takes both her tiny little hands and they start to grow, correction, she is growing. Confused but more focused on the excruciating pain in my chest I finally feel my self drift off. Before I close my eyes I notice a few shiny glowing orbs make their way towards us.

I hear a water fall as I wake up. Before I get a chance to open my eyes I lay still after hearing voice. "She is a werewolf obviously she knows what happen. They make a bond just like we do." I recognized a familiar voice. "Yes, but we do not have to be and animal to finish our bonding. What does that mean for me? I wont be doing the freaky with a dame mutt." At those words my inner wolf whimpered. Xena was extremely dormant not even perking up. That's when every thought hit me like a bag of bricks. I don't even know this stranger, but his words hurt my already damaged heart. I didn't want to feel sad. I don't even know this person. I balled my hands in to fists feeling anger pulse thru me.

"Why is she still sleeping she should be up by now." Just then I felt a crap told of sparks on my hand. No longer able to keep my eyes open thinking that cheating bastard was near me I shot up making me dizzy. I grabbed my head where it hurt and grazed around the room. Not seeing Gerard beside me but this sexy mand in a toga like outfit. He has thick strong arms and with very rough big madly hands. My eyes continued until they reached his eyes and my wolf whimpered mate. I new now why his words hurt me. I look down realizing another mate didn't want me.

"Hey." I look up to see the voice came from the tiny fairy that I saw crying earlier. "I'm nurse Trinket Do you know what happen to you?" She questioned lightly. "I'm pretty sure my mate cheated on me." I answer. She slightly shakes her head no. I look at her confused. She then continues. "That pain you felt was him mating another, but he also marked another. He complicated the mating process with another. I felt nothing. Not sad, not angry, not happy just nothing. I don't know if I'm shocked or if Xena was blocking it out, but I just didn't care. I look over to the sexy asshole who is apparently my new soon to be rejected mate. He looks into my eyes, but his face looks like he is contemplating something but isn't happy about it. Feeling awkward I look back down. I feel him still looking at me anger clearly written on his devilishly handsome face. I clear my throat. "So....what's up with this." I jester my finger back and forth between us. Ignoring my question, he looks at the nurse and asked. "Can she go home or are you keeping her here?" Well I guess that answered my question. "She can go home but she needs lots of rest. Her wolf is very weak right now. She is lucky she didn't die." He looked at me quickly and abruptly left.

"Don't take it personal. He is under a lot of stress. It's for him to say but he will do right by you. Just give him time." I doubted her words of encouragement, but it is what it is. She leaves me to my thoughts, and I rest my eyes thinking about how messed up this is. There is a loud bang at my door. "Come in." I say hopefully loud enough. I wonder if fairies can hear like we do. Theyre is a lot I want to know though I doubt I'd find out.

It's him, god I'm so giddy and I hate myself for it. I unknowingly tuck some hair behind my ear and smile. He smirks briefly until it's like he realized what he did, and it falter back to a frown. "Here's your things they found on you. You pack sac was searched by some guards. Cant really trust anything but fairies now a days." He was so rude it stung. I wasn't going to let it hurt me. "Seems like you can't trust anyone these days." I say with my smile fading. He looked away from my gaze. "Let's go I'm bring you home." Then it hit me. I didn't really have a home. "I was actually running from what I thought was home." He didn't say anything but sat in the chair. I looked down at my close he placed next to the pack sac and noticed the short, shorts he picked out. I looked at him and pointed to the door. He sat their holding my gaze and smirked. With out speaking he just moved his hand pretty much say proceed I'm not going no were.

If he wanted to play that game fine like I said I won't let him hurt me. Mine as well let him see what my pack did to me. I start with my pants and put them on under the gown. What no panties? Jeez anyway then I turn around and slowly undo the first of the three tied straps thinking I herd a click of a door I finished undoing the straps. No, it's not sexual maybe to him but its because I'm nervous. The gown drops and all confidence gone, and I rush to put my bra and shirt on. I turn around and the chair is empty. Well I guess that was enough to scare mate number two away.

As I open the door, he is no were in site. I go to the front desk about to ask if she saw him leave when a bright red sports car pulls up. Low and behold it was him driving. I step out the sliding doors and he spots me. He looks back towards the road and says. "Get in." I do see as I literally have no ideal were, we are. So now there is awkward silence. I figured I could ask the most basic question. "So, what's your name?"

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