Kamen Rider Gills VS Deku-Verse

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Description: The multiverse is vast, containing endless possibilities, but for while there are good worlds to be in, there are some unpleasant places to place feet on

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Description: The multiverse is vast, containing endless possibilities, but for while there are good worlds to be in, there are some unpleasant places to place feet on. There are some individuals who plan to take over the multiverse, and Izuku Midoriya is one of them. An Omni-God named Chase Gomez found out about several universes revolving around "Deku". He then finds and chooses an individual named Zane Arkland-Amaha, husband of Masane Amaha, and adoptive father of Rihoko. After an explanation, Zane accepts Chase's offer, and becomes Kamen Rider Gills to purge the Deku-Verse.

Main Character: Zane Arkland-Amaha


Masane Amaha (Wife)

Rihoko Amaha (Adopted Daughter)

Benjamin Richardson/Kamen Rider Millenium Hibiki

Benjamin Richardson/Kamen Rider Millenium Hibiki

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Cobalt Yamamoto/Kamen Rider Millenium Amazon

Cobalt Yamamoto/Kamen Rider Millenium Amazon

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Megaforce Outsiders:

Eiichiro Hyoudou/Kamen Rider Geats

Ziin/Kamen Rider Ziin

Blitzo/Kamen Rider Glare

Tyler Frost/Kamen Rider Juuga

Horobi/Kamen Rider Horobi

Vali Lucifer

Kuroka Toujou



Peter Parker/Kamen Rider Knight

Survivors of Deku-Verse Uprising:

Ky Kiske



Son Gohan

Son Goten

Grayfia Lucifuge

Rick Taylor (With Terror Mask)

Alchemist League (Eventual Allies):

Shinomura Kagerou/Valvarad/Kamen Rider Valvarad

Ruan Mei/Kamen Rider Majade


Izuku Midoriya (Deku-Verse) [Main Antagonist]

Deku Flash

Jedi Deku


Ninja Deku

Saiyan Deku

Deku 10

Deku's Furies (Mind-Controlled Heroes):

Tatsumi (Defeated by Deku 10 (Wildmutt))

Strider Hiryu (Defeated by Flash Deku)

Hinata Hyuga (Defeated by Ninja Deku)

Ruby Rose (Defeated by Jedi Deku)

Miles Morales/Spider-Man (Defeated by Spider-Deku)

Cinnamon (Defeated by Deku 10 (Upgrade))

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