Homophobic Pt.2

209 3 14

Request by: Myra1Obre

Info- Myra wanted a part two of "Homophobic," which that Matt gets therapy, but it doesn't help. And I'm going to add some fluff because why not!

|Nick has his drivers license|


-Word count: 1215

It's been 2 months since I came out as bisexual. Hate is still very common, I'm doing better in ignoring it, but still, it gets in my head.

"Matty.. Please promise you won't get mad." Nick says cautiously, walking into my empty room.

"I won't. What's up?" I respond, looking at Nicks body language.

"We booked you therapy. I know it's late, but Chris and I think it's better if you talk it out with a professional before you break." My heart drops at the mention of "therapy".

"Wh- What? I'm better, I swear!" I protest getting up from out of my bed.

"Please calm down.." Nick walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I will get better, I swear! Just please don't send me to therapy.." My voice is filled with obvious distress.

"We already booked it.." Nick pulls me into a forgiving hug.


I give up on fighting against Nicks tight embrace.

"When is it?" I mumble under my breath.

"Tomorrow morning at 10." Nicks voice is soft and calm, filling me with hope.

Nick is driving me to my first therapy session in, like, 6 years? My heart is beating through my chest, and sweat forms in my shaking hands.

"This is a bad idea.." I stutter.

I looked up from my hands. I see that we are here.

"Want me to come in?" Nodding my head, Nick and I head into the building.

Nick is booking me, and the room starts to feel really small, like the walls are caving in. I grab on tightly to Nicks hand. He gives my hand a squeeze, trying to show it will be okay.

It won't, though. Be honest.

Matt thought to himself as they were seated into a nicely decorated room.

"Matty, I'm going to have to leave you now, but I will be in the car waiting, okay?" Softly Nick taps on the top of my hand.

I nod, showing I understand even though I would rather him stay.

I have been sitting in the room for about 10 minutes alone with my own thoughts. There was no sight of the therapist, just the sound of my own heavy breathing.

"Sorry for being late." The man grunts sitting on the sofa in front of me.

"Um.. Don't worry." I say.

"I'm Steve. I don't really care about your name, but what is it?" Steve's voice is bored and sounds forced.

"Matt." I respond kindly trying to lighten the mood.

"Mm. What happened?" Steve said, holding his clipboard tightly.

"Um.. I came out as bisexual to my brothers," I start but noticed that the bored face on the man turned into disgust.

Matt Sturniolo One-Shots☆~Where stories live. Discover now