13: Please Dominate Me~!

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Eddy swiftly picked up the call as he hastily exited out the place. He was greeted by her supposed partner—Charlotte's intimidating but gentle voice on the other end as he did so. Eddy being more enthusiastic than before.

Oh hello, didn't expect you to pick up so quickly," she began, her tone indifferent from her gentle demeanor. "I think today's best for spending time together, right?"

Eddy prepared thoroughly for his response. "Oh... yeah, yes miss." he answered, trembling on his words.

"Why don't you come here for a change?" she asked, her tone soft. "I promise I won't do anything scary this time. You can bring anything."

"Y... yeah, on my way." responded Eddy. "Where are you at?"

"Just down the street towards the left," said Charlotte. " Hurry quick, darling."

As their conversation ended, Eddy headed straight to work by finding her address. As before, the only thing driving him towards life is nothing but women older than him, and it's clear that it will drive him places he would not have a chance to stand at. To some, his little incessant desire might seem as degrading or pathetic. But, he lets it go as something 'normal'.

As he stepped out of a bus, he found himself at an unfamiliar area where he would never be at without a gun. One of the buildings situated, was an old small apartment, it's frayed and moldy edges swinging much life into it, different from the motel where he came across. With a groan, Eddy called her again to see if he is at the right place. Getting into the elevator, he wondered if this will get him anywhere, or if this girl is truly a match for him at all, which he thought multiple times before. Only his untrustworthy gut could tell where he'd end up at.

Doubting if he should go home already, the elevator came to a stop, the screen on the doorframe announcing the third floor. He stepped out into the rugged walls of the place as the elevator doors closed behind him and hastily looked for Charlotte's room.

"Hey there, welcome," exclaimed Charlotte as Eddy stepped onto her floor, the living room filled with boxes and furniture covered in cloth. "I just moved in here yesterday. What do you think? It's nice, right?"

Eddy looked around the crimson red walls and the wood-boarded floor that creaked with every step, lost in awe. "...yeah, it is." he answered, doubting his apprehension.

Charlotte slowly put down the large box she had been carrying. "It's pretty much a mess, I know," she stated. "Only managed to finish my room as of now."

"It's alright," said Eddy. "Want me to help ya a bit?"

"I won't mind... If it's from someone like you, darling~"

A blush crept up under Eddy's cheeks as he spoke, further setting his guard down on her presence. "Y... yes miss-"

As Eddy helped her with unpacking the boxes one by one, his initial doubts about her dumbed down even more from that. He eventually forgot about hearing his friend's near death experience and the consequences that might follow along due to his careless nature. Eddy chugged a small bottle of water as the both of them were done with the renovations of her new home, replacing his fears with a sense of accomplishment.

"Thanks for you help, Eddy," said Charlotte with a satisfied sigh while looking at the half-furnished living room. "You're quite strong at handling boxes, for someone your age."

"Yeah, it's alright." answered Eddy, masking his skepticism while taking extreme note of the word 'strong'.

Charlotte directed towards her bedroom. "For this, I've kept a secret reward for you right behind this door." she continued with her usual gentle voice. "It's special, so remember to hold on to it, hehe~"

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