Chapter 28

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                    🖤PHOENIX 🖤

  The way Rome was smiling only added to my discomfort. I wished the ground would just open up and swallow me whole. Fiona had completely burst my bubble.

"Hi," Fiona greeted Rome and Neo, her demeanor now composed after her earlier gaffe. Now she could talk after embarrassing me.

"Hey," Neo responded, flashing her a smile. Their gazes locked, and they seemed lost in their own little world, exchanging smiles as if they were the only two people in the room.

Don't tell me these two already like each other.

My attention shifted to Rome, who was sporting a smirk. Did he really have to make it so obvious that I was dreaming about him?

Lord, why does this always happen to me?

I noticed Neo nudging Rome, and I couldn't help but wonder what mischief they were plotting.

"Um, can I talk to you?" Rome's voice interrupted my thoughts, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, trying to mask my apprehension as I rose from the couch.

"Catch up with you later," I said to Fiona, who smiled and nodded in response.

"Where should we talk?" I asked, unsure of what Rome had in mind.

"Your room," he suggested, and I nodded in agreement.

We made our way to my room, and as he closed the door behind us, a sense of unease settled over me. Rome stepped closer, his demeanor serious.

"You wanna talk about the baby?" I offered, my hand instinctively moving to my baby bump.

"Um... not really," he replied softly, closing the distance between us. My heart began to race as I felt his presence looming closer.

What was happening??

As Rome stood before me, a palpable tension hung in the air, leaving me on edge, waiting for him to speak.

He gazed at me intently for a moment, his expression unreadable, before finally letting out a sigh. What was going on in his head?

"You..." he began, his voice trailing off as he paused, leaving his words hanging in the air.

"What about me?" I prompted, my nerves starting to fray with anticipation.

"Can..." he started again, his voice barely above a whisper, his hesitation only adding to the suspense.

My mind raced with questions, my heart pounding in my chest. What was he trying to say?

"Can... what?" I pressed, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

But instead of answering, he just smiled, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, and licked his lips.

Seriously? Now he's going to do that? As if he wasn't already irresistible enough, the simple gesture made him even more tantalizing.

I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from his lips as he licked them again, each movement sending a shiver down my spine.

"You want to taste it," he finally spoke, his words sending a jolt of electricity coursing through me.

Wait... what? Did Rome just ask me that? Or was I still trapped in one of my ridiculous dreams?

Yeah, it's definitely a dream. Rome would never ask me if I wanted to taste his lips. It's just too absurd to be real.

And I refuse to fall for this trap. I know it's just another one of my silly fantasies.

But then, in a sudden surge of determination, I pinched my thigh so hard that it stung.

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