Chapter 35

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   I collapsed onto Rome's body, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. I could feel his chest rising and falling heavily beneath me.

"You never cease to amaze me," he remarked, his voice filled with admiration, as I lay beside him, a contented smile gracing my lips.

"Come here," he beckoned, opening his arms wide for me to snuggle into, and I gladly obliged, nestling into the warmth of his embrace.

We lay like that for a while, basking in the afterglow of our passion, before Rome finally broke the silence.

"I think I need more," he murmured, his tone playful, causing me to roll my eyes in mock exasperation.

"This is like the third round now," I teased, rising from his embrace with a playful smirk.

"Ouch, you're breaking my heart," he feigned hurt, his hands reaching out towards me in a playful gesture of despair.

"Well, it's your fault for being so sweet, not mine," He countered, and me chuckling at his antics.

I glanced back at him as I made my way towards the bathroom, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

"Are you coming or what?" I called out, watching as his eyes widened in playful surprise.

"Who would say no to that invitation?" he replied with a grin, immediately springing up from the bed to join me.

What a funny guy! Our playful banter never failed to lift my spirits and deepen our connection, making moments like these all the more precious.

  We finished our bath, though it was more than just a bath......we had set and, almost bordering on roughness, but had to restrain ourselves for the sake of the baby.

Rome kept playfully reminding me that once the baby arrived, we would have even more fun. His impatience was evident, often making me laugh at his eagerness.

After drying off, we slipped into our robes, preparing for dinner downstairs. As we descended the staircase hand in hand, Rome entertained me with his charming banter, eliciting laughter from me along the way.

Our laughter came to an abrupt halt as we reached the living area and laid eyes on his mother standing there. If looks could kill, her gaze would have surely ended me right then and there.

"Rome," Mrs. Dante greeted with a smile, approaching him eagerly. He returned the smile and released my hand to embrace his mother warmly.

"You look so pale," she remarked, her hand gently touching his face in concern.

"No, I'm fine, just been doing a lot of workouts lately," Rome reassured her, glancing in my direction before giving me a discreet wink. I couldn't help but smile back, understanding his subtle message.

Mrs. Dante's gaze then turned to me, her expression dripping with disdain. What a vile woman.

"How are you, Mom?" Rome inquired, his tone filled with genuine concern.

"I'm fine," she replied, but her expression quickly soured.

"Jess has been complaining that you haven't been giving her attention, instead you've been preoccupied with... whatever," she continued, her gaze lingering on me with thinly veiled contempt.

"Um, well, Jess is five months pregnant, and Phoenix is almost nine months along. Maybe my attention should be on Phoenix for now, since she's almost due," Rome reasoned, firmly grasping my hand for support. Mrs. Dante shot me another venomous look.

"But right now, Phoenix needs to eat," he declared, emphasizing his point by holding onto my hand.

"What? She's just a surrogate mother. You're not supposed to have any connection with her. She's just a commoner," Mrs. Dante spat out with disgust.

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