Chapter 28: Spending Time With Chaos

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You make your way to Leshy who is still lying face down on the grass.

"Are you alright, Leshy?".

"My ego is bruised."

Feeling a bit sorry for him, you give his back a rub, he flinches at the sudden physical contact but eases into it, you continue to rub his back to take the moment to think of a way to help him navigate the cult.

You help him back up and look around.

"Follow me" Resizing he cannot quite follow you, you hold his paw in yours, leading him to a sturdy-looking stick on the floor, you put the stick in his paw and just as you are about to explain a Follower comes up to you to ask you a question.

"(Y/N), should we start making a few more tents?"

"Yes please, that would be perfect!" You bid the Follower farewell and put your attention back to Leshy. With all his wisdom, he starts biting the stick, "Leshy, no!"

"What is it? What did you give me?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"It's a stick"

He feels the weight of the stick and swings it around a few times, you narrowly dodge the unintentional attacks.

"So, I whack others with it?" you hold in a laugh as to how his mind got that conclusion.

"No Leshy, you don't. I was thinking you could hold it to feel around the floor".

You help him position the stick correctly, one end in his paw, and the other end pointing to the ground.

The both of you walk around the cult while you help guide him by holding his arm, whenever he taps something new, he would ask what it is, he is beginning to differentiate what he is tapping, and it surprises you how fast he is getting the hang of it.

"What's this?" Leshy uses his stick to tap on the stone oven by the cooking fire.

"This is the cooking fire, I have been thinking about upgrading it to a proper kitchen sometime soon"

"I love cooking!" You did not imagine Leshy to be the cooking type, and his excitement for the possible upgrade made you smile, however, his enthusiastic posture shrunk, "I used to cook for my siblings all the time..."

You put a paw on his arm, he looks up in the area he thinks you are in.

"I think you will be able to cook for them again, I can even help you" He did not respond, but he did tap the stone oven again. "Come on, let's continue our walk".

After some time of walking around, the sun began to reach the horizon line, the both of you sat together on the grass enjoying the last rays of the warmth the sun had to offer. Leshy decides to lay on his back putting his arms behind his head, you hesitate at first but end up laying next to him, the comfortable feeling is immense, and your eyes grow heavy, before you fully drift off to slumber you feel something bushy hit you in the face.

"HUH, what? I'm awake!" you sit up in panic but melts away when you see Leasy laughing hysterically, you put two and two together and figure Leshy hit you with his tail.

"What was that for?" His laughter is contagious as you join him.

"I didn't want you to fall asleep" a confused expression appeared on your face.

"How did you know I was falling asleep?" He stops laughing completely and sits up.

"I don't have to tell you anything! And it's not because I heard your breathing pattern change, so don't think that!"

"My breathing pattern?".

Leshy quickly stood up and pretended to yawn.

"I am tired! I'm going to bed, see you!"

Leshy then walks away as fast as he can with his stick to the tents, leaving you with more questions than answers.


Quick A/N

This fanfic is getting closer to its endings! (yes plural) And I don't know how to feel about that, it's going to be bittersweet for me when the time comes. That aside, I have a question for all of you.

Do you prefer Leshy with flowers,

Do you prefer Leshy with flowers,

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or without? 

or without? 

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Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now