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A frilly parasol jutted out conspicuously amidst the group of tourists, its delicate lace contrasting sharply with the rugged surroundings.

Before them loomed the towering silhouette of a decrepit monastery, its weather-beaten facade telling tales of bygone eras.

Time had worn away the once-vibrant paint, leaving behind a patchwork of faded hues, while sturdy boards guarded the windows like sentinels. Trees, stripped bare of their foliage, stood solemnly nearby, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers.

Patty Keys, the tour guide, planted her feet firmly on the dusty ground as she addressed the group, her voice carrying a hint of reverence for the history that surrounded them.

"Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple, the storied abode of Master Yang," she announced, her gaze sweeping over the aged structure before her.

Jay hovered behind [Name], his words barely more than a whisper as he leaned in close. "Why are we even here?" he murmured, his curiosity piqued by their unexpected detour to this remote locale.

[Name]'s grip on the parasol tightened reflexively as she turned to face Jay, her figure was shaded by the canopy of her parasol. "Because this is our only shot at mastering Airjitzu," she replied.

If not for the meddling of the Time Twins, she would have already unlocked the secrets of the ancient martial art. But always, fate had other plans.

Approaching the ancient monastery, the air was thick with the scent of age and history, underscored by the distant hum of cicadas.

A young boy, his eyes wide with wonder, gestured eagerly toward the group of Ninja. "Mommy, can I take a picture with the Ninja?" he implored, his excitement palpable.

The boy's mother gently redirected his hand, her touch both gentle and firm. "They seem preoccupied, darling. Perhaps another time," she suggested, not wanting to bother the protectors of Ninjago from work.

Cole spotted the exchange and waved enthusiastically at the pair. "We've got a moment. He can snap a photo with us," he offered, his smile warm and inviting. Despite their tight schedule, he couldn't bear to disappoint the young boy.

The child's face lit up with joy as he hurried over to the group of Ninja, his footsteps echoing softly on the worn cobblestones. However, his enthusiasm dimmed as he scrutinized their faces, confusion clouding his features.

"Where's the Green Ninja?" he inquired.

Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay turned their attention to [Name], silently seeking her guidance. "He's on a solo mission right now," she replied quickly, her words accompanied by a subtle shift in posture.

She'd be damned an eternity in the cursed realm if she chose to shatter the child's innocence by divulging the full story—that their hero is currently possessed by a power-hungry asshole ghost.

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