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I jolted upright, my hand instinctively flying to my neck as if to check for any lingering trace of the nightmare that had just released its grip on me. My breath came in ragged gasps, the tendrils of the dream still coiling around my senses.

"Are you okay?" Cole's voice pierced through the remnants of the nightmare, pulling me back to the dim reality of the train cabin. I shifted my gaze toward where the others were gathered.

We were still aboard the rattling train bound for Stiix, the soft hum of its engine a constant backdrop to our journey. Concern was etched across the boy's features as they glanced in my direction.

I managed a weak smile, trying to push back the unease that lingered from the dream. "I'm fine, just a nightmare," I reassured them, though the tremor in my voice betrayed my words.

Jay handed me a couple of saltine crackers and two pieces of beef jerky. "[Name] your heart rate is running rapid, are you certain?" Zane remarked.

I accepted the offered food with gratitude, the dry texture of the crackers and the savory scent of the jerky grounding me in the present moment. "Probably still shaken from yesterday," I offered hastily, hoping to quell their concern with a simple explanation.

Kai assembled a makeshift sandwich, sandwiching his beef jerky between two saltine crackers. "Better eat, we're almost at Stiix," he advised.

I couldn't help but frown as I watched him, a surge of concern flooding through me. In my dream... he was savagely beaten by whatever that thing was that had dragged him across the floor.

Taking a hesitant bite of the tough jerky, I found myself struggling to chew through its tough texture. Although it hurt my teeth a little it was very flavorful, our rations were scarce meaning every morsel counted.

Jay continued to eat his breakfast, his words punctuated by bites of food. "Think we'll find him?" he inquired between mouthfuls.

"It's Stiix, practically Ronin's playground," Cole responded casually, his gaze fixed on his untouched meal.

The mention of Ronin brought a flood of thoughts. We hadn't had much contact with him since the chaos caused by Acronix and Krux. I always assumed he went to live with Dareth or disappeared into the shadows.

In our limited interactions, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Ronin's presence often instilled in me. He was an enigmatic figure, his motives obscured by layers of mystery.

Yet, his usefulness in our current predicament and in the future was undeniable, making the prospect of earning his favor all the more crucial.

Zane's voice broke through my thoughts as he peered out of the cabin. "We're here!" he announced, drawing our attention to the approaching village of Stiix. We hastily finished what remained of our food, scrambling to our feet and gathering our belongings.

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