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The Ninja were out on the deck of the Bounty, honing their Airjitzu skills. Each of the five took turns trying to master the airborne Spinjitzu, but Kai was struggling. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it, and neither could any of the others, for that matter.

Kai let out a frustrated grunt as he tumbled to the ground, his fist landing with a thud. Ronin, who had been lounging on the flag, couldn't help but chuckle at his misfortune. "Oh, falling short again, Kai? Just like your temper," he teased, earning a growl from the Master of Fire in response.

Jay stepped forward eagerly, declaring, "Let me give it a shot. I'm definitely a better Airjitzuer than you, Kai." Kai scoffed and retorted, "Oh really? Since when?" casting doubt on Jay's boast.

"Since now!" Jay proclaimed confidently before being enveloped in a swirling tornado of energy. He soared into the air, almost reaching Ronin before plummeting back down with a scream, landing unceremoniously at the feet of his teammates. Kai couldn't resist a smirk as he crossed his arms. "Yep, that was definitely an improvement," he quipped sarcastically.

Jay struggled to his feet, stammering, "I-it was..." It was the furthest he'd managed to get so far. Ronin couldn't resist joining in on the ribbing. "That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu," he laughed.

"Or Stupiditzu," Kai chimed in with a smirk. [Name] stepped in, placing a hand on Kai's shoulder. "Enough teasing. We should be supporting each other," she scolded him before fixing a stern gaze on Ronin perched above them. "And as for you, Ronin, want me to drag you down here when it's my turn?" she threatened, daring him to mock her as well.

Master Wu approached his students with a gentle yet firm demeanor. "[Name] is absolutely correct. To truly master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift one another, not tear each other down, Ronin," he admonished. Ronin, always one to stir the pot, rolled his eyes. With the constant movement on their quest for the next clue, provoking the Ninja seemed to be his sole source of entertainment.

Taking a nonchalant bite of his apple, Ronin smirked, "Come on, you closed up shop for a whole week. Let me have a little fun. Isn't precision supposed to be your thing?" He gestured towards Zane, who was also grappling with the challenges of mastering Airjitzu.

Meanwhile, [Name], Cole, Jay, Zane, and Kai were all decked out in brand new uniforms, despite having received new ones less than a month prior. Kai, in typical fashion, wasn't shy about airing his grievances. "These uniforms are too heavy. Why can't we stick with our old ones?" he grumbled.

In a hushed aside, [Name] quipped back, "Heavy? Try dealing with the extra baggage that comes with puberty." It was an understatement to say that being a woman came with its own set of challenges, quite literally. She lightly rested a hand on her bosom, emphasizing her point.

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