chapter fourteen

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She tumbled backwards on the ice, feet slipping out in front of her. Her braids flop along with her, and there's a moment where she's unsure if she's fine or if she'd cry. She ended up smiling and reaching for her brother's hand. 

He smiles down at her with a slightly toothless grin. He had lost a front tooth only a few days prior, but he took pride in his smile. His jacket was large on him as he would eventually grow into it. His hat and gloves fit him, despite having a head of moppy brown hair. 

“Are you alright?” 

She nods her head, grabbing onto his outstretched hand with both of hers, being pulled up. “Yeah, but my butt hurts now.” 

Laurance looks down at Alex, feeling as she tightens her grip on his arm. He smiles at her, patting her hand. 

“They remind me of us,” Alex says, gesturing to the two small children skating around in boots on the ice. If she didn't know any better, she'd say she was looking in a mirror. A sound of a bell rings, and the two rush towards the doors of the orphanage. “It must be time for supper. I won't be long.” 

Laurance nods his head, letting go of his sister and rubbing his hands together for warmth. “I'll go retrieve Lady Aphmau. That should be plenty of time to speak with father.” 

Alex watched as Laurance walked away. She frowned softly, but the sight of a warm home was in front of her. Voices could be heard inside of the interior. 

“My Lord, the finances are looking poor. I'm unsure just how long we'll be able to keep the orphanage open.” 

“Have you seen what you may be able to cut? We can't just close an orphanage.” 

Alex feels her heart drop. She was lucky to leave the orphanage with a parent. She wasn't sure what would happen to all those children if it were to close. 

The men heard a delicate knock on the door. The conversation comes to a close, allowing the female to enter. 

“I'll recalculate,” he says, nodding towards Alex. “Lady Alex, it's lovely to see you.” 

Alex offers a weak smile. “The pleasure is all mine.” 

Hayden looked stressed and exhausted. Dark circles appeared under his eyes, and his chin had a neglected scrub to it. Alex sits slowly in the chair in front of her father, placing her hands on her lap. 

“Daddy, what was Gabriel talking about regarding the orphanage?”

Hayden rubs his face with his hands. He pushes his paperwork to the side, ignoring it. “Nothing that cannot be solved. Don't worry about it, darling. What brings you to Meteli?” 

The basket sitting beside Alex suddenly is brought to light. She looks down, bringing it up to place on the desk. She moves aside the fabric and brings out a wrapped dessert. Alex inches it towards Hayden, smiling. “I simply wanted to spend time with you. Laurance is bringing Lady Aphmau as we speak. I brought some of Kawaii~Chan's cookies that you like so much.” 

Hayden laughs, reaching for the brown paper wrapped package. He looks between the package and his daughter, gingerly untying the twine-like bow holding it together. 

The path took about fifteen minutes to walk on foot. This is one way. This would have to be doubled, and there would need to be additional time for when Aphmau and Laurance would begin to leave towards Meteli. Aphmau was terrible with time, so Alex accounted for about forty-five minutes of one-on-one time with her dad. 

A great deal of it was spent in meaningful conversation. Alex would tell Hayden what was new with her life, and how everyone was in Phoenix Drop. She never mentioned Vylad, and she hadn't dared reveal the Ro'meave name. She had no doubt he knew, but it wasn't her business. Hayden told her about all those she grew up with and his ideas for progress. 

It wasn't until the time was limited where Hayden brought up the topic of love. “I've heard you've been rather. . . different lately.”

Alex furrows her eyebrows. “I don't understand.”

“You asked your sister about love a month or two ago. Laurance tells me you've grown close to a guard. Is there something I should be aware of?” 

Alex sighs, “Laurance simply misplaced friendship for affection. And Cadenza, you know how she is. She over-exaggerates just about anything.” 

Hayden reaches forward to place his hand on top of his daughter's arm. “You know you can come to me for any–”

Alex and Hayden look towards the door. It seemed another conversation ended for a new one.


“Have you ever experienced love in O’Khasis?” Alex asks, skating around the pond with her boots. 

Vylad was surprisingly good at skating. He appeared to be a natural at it, and Alex was almost envious. She would still nearly tumble from time to time. Vykad has stuck around her to save her from falling. 

“No.” Vylad’s answer is short and blunt. He didn't need to think about the past to know the truth. “I've found people attractive, but I was never in love. Too young, maybe.”

Alex nods her head, stumbling forward and catching herself by holding onto Vylad. “Maybe we should take a break.” 

Vylad was a perfect gentleman in Alex's eyes. He guided her towards the safety of land, helping her to sit down. He was always gentle with her. 

“Were you ever in love in Meteli?” 

This almost causes Alex to laugh. She was a hopeless romantic, but she was never one for the men in Meteli. “Goodness, no. I was never interested in them. But, um. . .”

She didn't want to continue with what she was saying. There wasn't much else to say. 

“Are you alright?” 

Vylad was aware that others thought Alex had been acting differently. Throughout the timeline of their meetings, she did appear to be happier. He wasn't oblivious to it. 

Alex stares down at her feet. She could say it now. Get it off her chest while she still had the courage. “I. . . I love you.” 

Her words were quiet when she spoke. Her eyes were hopeful, but they dulled once Vylad turned his face away. It was silent between the two. Alex was embarrassed. 

“I have to go away for a little while.” 


“I have to go away for a little while, so there's no use in coming to meet me for about a month or so.” 

Alex’s lip quivers slightly. “I-I just told you how I felt. . . and you're going away? Where are you going? You don't hold ties anywhere!”

Vylad stands up and adjusts his mask. “I just have to go. Alex, I'm sorry. I'll see myself away.”

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