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(Kaminari's POV)

"The view is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, though."

Kyouka rolls her eyes at me, but she was smiling.

"Nothing compares to this beautiful woman I get to call mine."

Her face turns a bit red.

"Thanks." She chuckles, "You're really good at making me blush."

I scoot closer to her, leaning on her shoulder.

The two of us were having a little picnic looking out at the sunset. We talked, ate some snacks, and enjoyed the scenery.

It was nice, even when both of us were quiet. We enjoy each other's presence, and that's more than enough for me.

"Denki." She says suddenly.


"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

"Ten years..." I had to think about it, "Hopefully I'm settled into a career by then. I see myself married to you. Maybe we'll have a kid by then. I hope we'll be living in an actual house by then, too."

She laughs softly, "That sounds like where I see myself too. Wherever we end up, I just hope we can be happy."

I kiss her cheek, "I'll be happy as long as I'm with you."

Leaning on her shoulder, I felt her shiver.

"You okay?" I ask, "Are you cold?"

"I'm okay." She says, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

"Here, you can wear my jacket."

"It's okay, Denki. It's my fault I didn't dress warmer."

I take my jacket off anyway, "That doesn't mean you have to be uncomfortable. Please, just take it."

She was reluctant, but she took it and put it on. It was big on her. She looked cute.

"You're not cold?" She asks me.

I shrug, "I'm fine."

She touches my arm, sliding her hand up and down it.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Checking for goosebumps."

"Kyo, I'm fine, really."

"Alright, alright."

I moved forward a bit before leaning all the way down until my head was resting on her lap. I let my eyes fall shut as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I love it when she babies me. She doesn't do it very often, so I enjoy it a lot whenever she does.

She must've seen the smile on my face because I heard her laugh softly.

"You're just like a puppy." She says.

"Nothing wrong with that."


"Kyo, are you ready? Our reservation is soon!"

"Almost ready, sorry! Give me one minute!"

I was waiting in the living room, ready to go. We had reservations at this fancy restaurant, so we felt it was only right to dress up for the occasion.

"Okay, all ready."

Kyouka steps out of our room, still clipping on her necklace. She was wearing a sleek black dress that perfectly hugged her body. Her hair was up, and her makeup made her eyes look even more beautiful than usual.

"Wow..." I say under my breath, "You look stunning."

She looks down all shy, "Yeah, yeah. You look really nice too, hon. Now let's go."

I wore a nice suit and tie and did my hair extra neat today, but I felt like Kyouka outshined me by at least tenfold. I just couldn't get over how gorgeous she looked.

Like, wow...that's my girlfriend.

The restaurant's atmosphere was really nice. They had a live band playing some soft jazz music. The food was good, but the best part had to be dessert.

After dinner, we walked around town for a bit. Kyouka got cold again, and I ended up giving her my coat again, but I didn't mind. I was wearing a long sleeve button-up underneath, and that was enough for me.

I took plenty of pictures of her and some pictures of us together, too. I wanted to keep telling her how beautiful she looked, but it made her shy, and I didn't wanna overdo it.

I guess my eyes were fixed on her pretty often, though, because she finally said something about it.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She chuckles.

"Like what?"

"Like you've never seen me before or something."

I shrug, "You just look really beautiful. I mean, you always do, but right now...I just can't take my eyes off of you."

"Control yourself, boy." She teases, "We'll be home soon."

I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that at the time, but it made a lot of sense when we got home.


(Jirou's POV)

"I just don't understand what she sees in him. He's a jerk."

"I dunno. He does seem like a jerk, but it looks like he has a soft spot for her."

"So what? He's a jerk to everyone but you, and that's okay?"

I laugh at Denki. He gets way too into these reality/drama dating shows all the time. We were folding laundry in the living room while we watched. My folded pile was a big bigger than his because he would get distracted by what was going on in the show.

"She'd be better off with the other guy. She has options." Denki sighs, staring at the TV.

"It's just a show, hon. Now, are you gonna fold your underwear, or should I do that, too?"

He looks at the pile of folded laundry, "Oh, shoot. You're fast. Here, you can relax. I'll do the rest."

Now that we've been living together for a while, we have a pretty solid routine going.

We do laundry on Saturday. We go on dates on Friday or Sunday, sometimes both. Grocery shopping every two weeks or so. I like how things are.

I sat back on the couch while Denki finished folding the laundry.

When he was done, he stood up and picked up the basket, "Wanna help me put this away?"


We were putting the clothes away in our room, but I left real quick to put some towels away in the cabinet in the hallway.

When I came back into the room, the laundry basket sat empty on the floor, and I didn't see Denki.

"Denki- Woah!"

He scoops me up and tosses me onto the bed. I didn't see, but he was hiding behind the door when I walked in.

Before I could even say anything, he starts attacking me with kisses.

"Denki-" I laugh as he kissed me all over my face, "What are you doing?"

He kisses my lips before looking me in the eyes, holding himself up over me.

"Sorry. Too much?" He chuckles.

My hands go up to his face so I can pull him back down for another kiss.

"A thousand kisses from you is never too much." I say.

He smiles before continuing to plant kisses all over my face and my neck. I'm a little ticklish on my neck, so he kept making me laugh.

We've been together for a while now, be he can still give me butterflies.

Moments like these are what I live for.

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