Chapter - 4

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(Gulf's pov):

" Excuse me, I have to go now. "  I said to him and hastily got up from my seat.

" But we just... " he was about to say something when I interrupted him.

" Sorry, let's talk next time. " I apologized, and with that, I rushed out from there.

(Mew's pov):

Without uttering a word, he abruptly left after receiving a phone call. I didn't even get a chance to learn anything about him.

It's okay. Maybe not today, but tomorrow I will find him again and discover everything about him.

" Just wait, baby....." I whispered to myself with a smirk. Then, I made my way to the resort.

" Mew, you finally came! " Tong asked excitedly as Max joined in.

"Now, sit down and spill everything to us. What happened after you confronted Gulf? "

" There's nothing special to share, actually. "

" I just had a conversation with him, where I saw him for the first time,He was just listening to me, and I was about to say more when his phone rang. He said he'll talk later and left in a hurry. " I replied with a sigh

" It's okay, buddy. Let's wait for tomorrow. Don't miss your chance to get to know him fully. " Max said, patting my shoulder.

Tong did the same, and I smiled at them, nodding in agreement.

I freshened up and went to bed, unable to stop thinking about my baby.

The way he was blushing when I complimented him. I smiled as I remembered it. He looks even cuter when he blushes. Only I know how I held myself back from kissing him.

I don't even know when I fell asleep, lost in thoughts of him.

Morning arrived,

I got up from bed, completing my morning routine.

I couldn't wait to see my baby. I prepared myself and took a deep breath before leaving my room.

2 hour passes..............

(Tong's pov):

I was engaged conversing with my friends about random topics That's when suddenly I saw Mew.

He looked completely broken and disheveled, on the verge of tears. Max noticed him too, along with all our friends.

Max and I exchanged a glance before hurrying over to Mew.

I'm sure it's related to Gulf, so I asked my friends to leave. We needed some privacy for a while. They all nodded and left the room.

Then, I turned my attention back to my shattered friend.

" Mew, what happened? Why do you look like this?I asked, concern evident in my voice.

Max echoed my question.

" He left me without saying anything. He just left me. " Mew replied, his voice trembling.

" I couldn't even confess my feelings to him. I searched everywhere, but there's no sign of him. Then I found out he already left this place. "

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