Chapter 55

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When morning came, the world surrounding the freightliner was quiet. The early morning fog created a curtain about the pond. While the birds were singing from the start of dawn, and butterflies began to flutter around in place of the fireflies, there was no movement from within the cab of the truck. Optimus was still deep in his recharge, and his holoform had remained throughout the night, with his arms around the sleeping human who remained huddled against him. The two of them yearned for the comfort and touch of each other, and it is how they remained relaxed through the whole night.

Though Saphira awoke first as her bladder made her wake from her sleep. She didn't realize it at first as she opened her eyes slowly. She didn't even know what time it was right now, and the first thing she saw was Optimus's chassis. She smiled and closed her eyes to try and fall back asleep, but then she felt the need to relieve her bladder. She groaned a little and opened her eyes with a frown. She was annoyed that she needed to get up, but she had not much of a choice.

She could feel Optimus's arms still around her and she looked up to see the optics of the holoform were closed. He was still deep in recharge, and Saphira didn't want to wake him up. But she needed to get out of his arms if she was going to find a tree to squat by. She didn't particularly want to do that, but she didn't really have any options for a toilet, so it was the only thing she could do at this time.

Saphira yawned and stretched her legs, and her movement seemed to be enough to wake the recharging autobot. As it should, given he was likely very sensitive within the cab. His optics open and he smiled as his optics lock with her eyes. "Good morning, Saphira. It is a little early right now. You should go back to sleep."

"I'd love to...but I need to pee..." Optimus's optics immediately widen slightly and he chuckled softly. "And I don't think you particularly want me to lay here and then we both will need a good bath...I'd rather just get it done. I may come back, but not sure if I'll be able to go back to sleep yet." Optimus hummed softly and kissed her gently, and Saphira wrapped her arms around him before she sat up and stretched her arms with a groan. "I am sure the forest is beautiful this time of morning."

"It is." Optimus shifted so Saphira could sit up properly and she grabbed some new underwear to put on. "Even if you don't find yourself falling back to sleep, we at least have the chance of you having your breakfast here. I am sure the village will welcome you again, but I think you would prefer having it here."

"You are right about that." Saphira slipped her panties on and Optimus assisted her with her bra, which she appreciated as he clipped the bra for her and she grabbed a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. "Even if it is not eggs or toast, it will do. I am just glad to be with you. And it is so nice in here...but..." Saphira grimaced and placed her hand on her abdomen. "I really need to go."

Optimus watched as the girl put her clothes on quickly, followed by a new pair of socks and shoes. "Don't forget to get the clothes the village cleaned for you."

"I won't! But I don't care about that right now..." Saphira crawled over to the door and watched it open before she began to climb down quickly. "Ugh...I hate it when I have to run to the bathroom first thing in the morning..."

Optimus was unfamiliar with that feeling, but given that Saphira was uncomfortable and clearly trying to stop something in her body, he could certainly sympathize. When Saphira reached the ground, she ran into the trees, and Optimus transformed, knowing he would need to watch the surroundings in case there were any native animals that might attack Saphira unprovoked, even though he doubted any would approach while he was present, given he was much bigger and very intimidating for most animals.

Saphira ran through the trees and stopped when she found a group of ferns surrounded by trees and bushes. She pulled her jeans and panties down before crouching with a sigh. She was just glad she only needed to empty her bladder, because she wasn't sure how she would go if she needed to dig a hole and use leaves to wipe herself. She would do it, but it still was not something she wanted to deal with right now.

Through Ash and Dust (ROTB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz