Chapter 63

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Five Months Later...

Five months has past since defeating Scourge and trapping Unicron back where he had come from. It has been five months since the autobots officially lost the only means they had to return to Cybertron. And while there were times when the autobots would gaze at the sky with grief and sadness upon their faces, they did not seem to regret coming to Earth. They simply were grieving their home and the autobots who were left behind. It was something Saphira never made a fuss about. It made her sad to know they were hurting, and she could not do anything to help them ease the pain they felt in their sparks. But she did try to in small ways.

During this time, Saphira and the autobots returned to North America, and Saphira was able to get an x-ray done on her ribs. She had four cracked ribs, and she ended up needing surgery for one of her ribs, which Saphira had to undergo so it would heal properly. Optimus wished he could be with her in the hospital during her recovery, because it pained him to know she had to endure this on her own while he had to wait for her to be discharged.

But her recovery was smooth, and her ribs healed after twelve weeks, and she was not in pain anymore. During that time, she was able to make a purchase of a fifty acre property that already had mature trees in Texas. It took her sometime before she had made a purchase of the property, and she was very happy. It already had a two-story farmhouse on it, she just needed a large shed for the autobots to relax, but the trees were thick enough that they sould walk around anyway. So it really was not a problem at all.

Though Saphira hasn't really had much time to really settle into the house yet. They returned to Peru a month ago and Saywa gave birth to a femme. The new born sparkling was given the name Rosalinda, and she has been quite a quiet sparkling. When they met Rosalinda the first time, she was without her armor. Even though she was larger than a human baby, without her armor, Saphira could see that Saywa would be grateful to not be pushing out a maximal with the armor already on them. But even without the armor, Rosalinda resembled her father a lot.

And they had remained in Peru as Saphira enjoyed spending time with Saywa, and she had Mirage come with her to the city of Lima to buy things that Saywa would benefit from. These things were not something Saywa was familiar with, but Saphira told her what they were for and Saywa accepted the help from Saphira. Especially when it came to her post birth recovery, as Saphira knew how hard it was on the body. They also reamined in Peru as Stratosphere was currently flying over Africa. He enjoys his trips around the world a little too much, but he always had plenty of stories to tell when he returns.

Saphira did learn the language of the tribe as well, as Optimus helped her understand the language when Saywa was busy with the sparklings. Primal aided as well, but he was also busy helping Saywa with Salvador and Rosalinda, so Saphira learned most of the language from Optimus. And it was really good, because Saphira could now understand and communicate properly to the tribe without feeling awkward just standing to the side and watching. She still needed correction as she was not completely fluent in the language yet, but that was okay. The villagers were very patient with her.

As she had remained in the country for a month, the chief had the villagers build a hut just for Saphira. It was unexpected, as Saphira had been happy to sleep in Optimus's chassis this past month, and she never asked them to provide housing for her. But they insisted that it was okay, and they even showed Saphira Saywa's hut. It definitely was something Saphira would have to get used to, but she wasn't going to make them stop out of respect for their customs.

Right now, Saphira was getting ready to celebrate her twentieth birthday. It was crazy to think that she hasn't had a lot of time with the autobots and maximals, but they were family to her. And she never thought by the time she turned twenty, she would have found a family in alien, robotic beings. She has asked them about their anatomy, but as none of them were true medics, it was hard for them to answer. Only Stratosphere was happy to talk about how their bodies function as he felt it was necessary for Saphira to know. Whereas none of the maximals said anything, even Saywa said she doesn't even know.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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