Chapter 61

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A few days go by as Saphira was forced to remain in the hut under the watchful eyes of the village physician. When she had first been brought into the hut, Saphira saw it was full of medicines, herbs, tools, a wooden tub and bed. This was unsurprising to Saphira, given that she had expected that. When she had entered the hut, the women helped her out from her clothes, which revealed the true extent of her injuries and shocking the women. Saphira had thought she would be given a dress to be covered, but the women ensured that Saphira would not be seen by any of the men in the village, as she wasn't given anything to cover her body straight away.

They had her lay on her side so that the physician could take a closer look at her injuries. The woman was not too worried about the scratches compared to her ribs. And the way the woman had to determine the extent of her injuries was by touching. Saphira had to unfortunately endure feel the woman pressing her fingers into her fingers and feeling, which hurt so much and she was certain that Optimus would have heard her pained cries. But she was glad he did not interfere.

After that, the woman seemed to understand the severity of the injury to her ribs and turned her attention to her back. And the first thing she did was clean the blood from Saphira's body. Saphira knew she was extremely lucky that Scourge had not done any further injuries to her. He could have easily crushed her if he wanted. But Saphira guessed she was just lucky that Scourge seemed to be more interested in toying with her, even if he would have killed her easily. And she did actually believe that Scourge would have kept her to himself if he won...and that was a nightmare she would have lived out for a long time.

The women did give Saphira a tea that actually made her sleep while the physician tended to her wounds. It actually was good as when Saphira awoke later, she felt better, but the physician would only let her up to relieve herself, which Saphira was embarrassed about. But the physician was very patient with her, even with the language barrier in the way, as they managed to figure out how to communicate through gestures and Saphira was glad.

Aside from that, she was also given some stuff to relieve the pain she was feeling, and she was glad because she was definitely a lot more comfortable. Her wounds did not get infected thankfully, and were healing quite nicely, even after the first day. Saphira guessed that the medicine the tribe uses was very effective, and it was good. But she doubted that the wounds would be fully healed for a while. It was her ribs that was the main concern. Without an x-ray, it would be hard to know how many were broken and how long it would take to heal.

But Saphira definitely appreciate the help from the physician, and she would certainly feel a lot better when she did return to North America. She just did not know when that will happen, considering Saphira did want to see more of Peru while they were here. But she would need to get an x-ray before that happens. Especially since they would likely return to Peru to visit the maximals as they could not visit North America.

Saphira and Optimus did find time to speak to each other. When Saphira was alone, she took the time to speak with him. She learned Primal had left to tend to his sparkmate and sparkling, and he has yet to return. Optimus told her his sparkling was causing trouble, which Saphira could see. She did wonder what Primal's sparkling even looked like. She was curious because she did want to have a sparkling with Optimus, even if it was many years away.

It was definitely annoying that she was forced to remain in the hut for the few days, but she did not complain at all. She actually was happy when Optimus managed to learn the language of the tribe and began to speak to the chief and translate words to her. It made the whole time a lot easier, even though Saphira did hope to learn the language herself, since they are likely going to be involved with the tribe for many years. Especially if and when Saphira gets pregnant and needs a place to stay for the birth. So it will be necessary. Optimus promised to teach her the language thankfully, so she was eager to learn.

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