Chapter 30: Help From Tara

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Y/N's P.O.V

So, I'm now at Tara's apartment complex.

I need her help right now.

I slowly climb down the fire escape and stop outside her bedroom window.

I knock on it and she sees me.

She signals me to come in and I slowly open the window.

Tara turns back to her computer as I climb in.

Tara: So, Ben told me about your mission. How was the sewers? It must've really stunk down there.

I chuckle.

Y/N: It... did.

She turns and sees the condition I'm in.

Her eyes widen.

Tara: Oh my god.

She rushes over to me.

Tara: Y/N? What... what happened?

Y/N: You should see the other guy...

I step forward and fall down infront her her bed.

Y/N: The other guy in this case being a giant mutant lizard.

I lean up against her bed.

Y/N: It really hurt.

She kneels down infront of me.

Tara: Okay, just stay here. I'm gonna get some water and a wash cloth.

She gets up and leaves the room.

Y/N: Ah... don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.

I'd just like to keep the blood inside my body.

(Ten minutes later)

Tara is sat infront of me inbetween my legs and is cleaning the cuts on my chest wounds.

As she does it stings.

Y/N: Ah!

Tara: Oh, sorry. Sorry.

She sighs.

Tara: I gotta say, I didn't expect that I'd be cleaning my boyfriend's cuts from a mutant lizard today. I guess that's part of the deal when it comes to dating a superhero.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so.

I lean in forward to kiss her.

Our foreheads touch and she smirks.

Tara: Easy, Bug Boy.

I laugh.

Y/N: What'd you call me?

She giggles.

After that she looks at my torn up top part of my suit.

Tara: I think you're suit is gonna need some work done.

Y/N: True. I just don't wanna tell Tony about it. As my mentor he hates it when I ruin the stuff he gives me.

She giggles.

Tara: Aw. That must mean he cares.

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, in his own way.

There's a moment of silence between us.

Tara then sighs.

Tara: So, Ben told me that you think Dr. Connors is the Lizard? Is that true?

Y/N: Well, I lost my camera down there so I don't have proof, but he's gotta be. He's trying regain the ability to walk. I thought the Decay Rate Algorithm could help him and other's.

I sigh.

Y/N: This all my fault. If I hadn't have helped him, he wouldn't be like this right now.

She puts her hand my cheek.

Tara: Babe, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known this was gonna happen.

Y/N: Maybe, but I've gotta help him. It's my responsibility, Tara.

Tara: I understand. And I'll be here to help you.

She smiles slightly.

Tara: Just don't make me doing this again.

Y/N: Okay.

She looks at me.

Tara: There's still alot of blood. Do you want to take a shower?

Y/N: Yeah, that'll help.

She helps me up.

I go into the bathroom with Dina and she turns the shower on.

After that she leaves and I get out of my suit before getting into the shower.

(Five minutes later)

I've just gotten out of the shower and put on a t-shirt and shorts Tara left for me.

I come out of her bathroom and see her sitting in bed.

She looks at me and smiles.

Tara: That's better. You look cute with damp hair.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks. But who's clothes are these?

Tara: They're my dad's. Even though he left six years ago, my mum still keeps some of his stuff laying around.

I sigh.

Tara's dad left and I can't believe I forgot about that.

Y/N: Shit. I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't mean... I...

Tara: Y/N, it's okay. I made my peace with all that awhile ago, remember?

I nod.

Y/N: Right.

She pulls the covers back.

Tara: Come on, let's get some sleep.

Y/N: Okay.

I go over and get into bed with her.

She immediately cuddles up to me.

Tara: Thank you.

Y/N: For what?

Tara: For not dying. I've lost people before. I can't lose you, Y/N.

I kiss her on the forehead.

Y/N: You won't, Tara. I promise.

We continue to talk for a bit before going to sleep.

(A/N: Sorry for the short-ish chapter.)

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