Zoe - Waking Kisses

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Upon returning from the bathroom after my shower, I found Oskar asleep on the bed. I toyed with the idea of leaving, seeking refuge elsewhere, but the allure of sleeping next to Oskar was too strong to resist. It beckoned me to slip into bed beside him, enveloping myself in his warmth. Clad in a t-shirt and pyjama bottoms, I approached the bed, gently pulling the duvet down. 

It was then that I noticed Oskar wearing nothing but his boxers. I couldn't help but notice the rugged contours and strength that defined his physique. His chest was broad and commanding, each pectoral muscle sculpted with definition, rising and falling rhythmically with each breath he took.

Moving downwards, my gaze drifted to his strong biceps, their sinewy form evident even in the relaxed sleep state.  They held a silent power, promising protection and reassurance. Continuing downwards, my eyes lingered on his thighs, powerful and sturdy. Even in repose, they exuded a sense of vitality and capability. 

Overall, Oskar's physique radiated an aura of strength, a silent reassurance that whispered of protection and comfort. 

Slipping into bed, I positioned myself with my back to him. It seemed as though he could somehow sense my presence because, though he remained in the depths of slumber, he instinctively drew me closer with a firm arm, enfolding me against his sturdy chest. His steady, warm breath against my neck cast a soothing warmth, enveloping me in comfort and security. Interlacing my fingers with his hand resting gently on my stomach, I felt a profound sense of peace settle over me in Oskar's embrace. 

I drifted into a serene slumber before long, lulled by his presence and the safety of his arms.

I stirred from my slumber as Oskar shifted restlessly behind me, his murmurs breaking the room's silence. Straining to make sense of his words, I listened intently as he muttered something. 

 Then, I heard it clearly, soft and troubled: "Rachel."

I never considered myself the jealous type until Oskar entered my life. Yet, it ignited almost instantly when I overheard him mutter another girl's name in his sleep, especially with his arm snugly around me. 

What significance did she hold in Oskar's thoughts, enough to invade his dreams with worry?

Turning in his embrace, I gazed upon Oskar's troubled visage, his brow furrowed in the grip of an unseen worry. Though he remained lost in the depths of slumber, his subconscious turmoil was evident in the creases on his forehead. 

With a soft shake, I whispered his name to rouse him from his restless dreams. 

Yet, instead of awakening fully, he uttered her name again, a whisper that ignited a flame of anger within me. Okay, I was jealous; I didn't like it. Whispering another girl's name while he was sleeping stirred a tumult of emotions within me, chief among them a searing jealousy that threatened to consume the fragile peace of the moment.

I resorted to a more forceful approach. 

With a sharp pinch to his side, Oskar jolted awake with a yelp of surprise, his eyes fluttering open to meet mine with weariness. 

 "Gods, Principessa, what was that for?" he murmured, his voice laced with grogginess and confusion.

Moving away from him, I withdrew from the warmth of our shared embrace. 

Oskar's bleary eyes followed my movements, filled with concern as he sought to understand the cause of my distress.

"What's happened?" he inquired. 

 Through gritted teeth, I said, "You said Rachel's name in your sleep." 

Oskar's expression shifted to mild consternation as he responded, "Yeah, I was dreaming."

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