Oskar - Night Before Battle

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Zoe and I stumbled through the doorway, our urgency palpable as we barely reached the threshold before shedding our clothes. With a swift click, I locked the door behind us, sealing off the world outside. The air crackled with anticipation as we swiftly disrobed, each layer falling to the floor in a frenzy of desire. Shirts and t-shirts scattered, and trousers and shoes were kicked aside without a second thought. 

I reached for her, deftly unclasping her bra and casting it aside, while Zoe wasted no time in tugging my boxers down, and with a swift kick, they joined the growing pile behind us.

In the throes of our desire, there was no rhyme or reason, just an unrelenting ferocity that consumed us both. As the final garment slid down Zoe's body, I couldn't have cared less about the logic of it all. Moonlight cascaded through the windows, caressing her form and illuminating her curves with a celestial glow. Shadows danced beneath her breasts, tracing the contours of her figure, and draped across her shoulders like silken veils. Her long legs stretched before me, adorned in golden-brown skin that seemed to shimmer under the moon's tender caress.

But her beauty wasn't solely confined to her face or the contours of her naked body. It was the trust reflected in her eyes that truly captivated me. There she stood, bared and vulnerable, yet offering herself to me with an unwavering trust that humbled me. I dared not take a single moment of it for granted.

As my hand grazed over her shoulder and traced a path up her neck, I felt the weight of her trust in every tender caress. Her parted lips spoke volumes, conveying a silent invitation I dared not ignore. With gentle fingers, I reached for the twist of her hair atop her head. It was slightly mussed yet still held in its familiar plait. 

"Take your hair down, bella," I murmured, expecting a moment of hesitation. 

But her gaze remained locked with mine, unwavering as she reached up and unravelled the hair tie. Each lock fell loose, one by one, until her hair spilt around her face like a cascade of pale silk. Its gentle caress framed her features, accentuating her beauty in ways that left me breathless.

Each strand gleamed beneath the moon's gentle touch, framing her face like a radiant halo. In the soft, ethereal light, she was transformed into a goddess, her beauty undeniable and otherworldly.

As the silky strands brushed against her breasts, a tightness constricted my lungs, making it difficult to draw in the air.

At that moment, I realized that every time I thought Zoe couldn't possibly become more perfect, she effortlessly proved me wrong. 

"Fucking hell, you're perfect," I breathed. 

With a firm grip on her hair, I pulled her head back gently, eliciting a quickened rhythm in the rise and fall of her chest. A small, satisfied smile curled at the corners of my lips as the charged atmosphere crackled around us, anticipation giving way to raw, unbridled lust.

As I pressed her against the bedroom door, Zoe gasped, her body responding eagerly to my touch. With a deliberate movement, I nudged her thighs to open with my knee, allowing my fingers to find her. 

A low moan escaped her lips. 

Every muscle went taut as my cock gave a painful throb. 

"Fuck. Me," I groaned. 

 Zoe was wet, so wet. 

"Dripping for me already, Principessa," I drawled with a smirk, teasingly swiping a lazy thumb over her slick clit. A satisfied curve formed on my lips as her body responded, her back arching in tandem with a sharp gasp. "We've barely gotten started." 

Zoe's eyes fluttered open, her narrowed gaze meeting mine with a hint of challenge. "Are you going to keep talking," she challenged, "or are you going to show me how much you want me like you promised?"

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