Percy - Unforeseen Challenges

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Percy sprang up so abruptly that he collided with someone's shield, eliciting an immediate "Ow!" from him. Annabeth hovered nearby, her concern evident as she explained, "Sorry, Percy. I was just about to wake you."

Rubbing his sore head, Percy attempted to shake off the unsettling visions plaguing him. Suddenly, clarity dawned on him: May Castellan's futile attempt to claim the role of the Oracle, unaware of the curse thwarting her, explained much. Neither Chiron nor Hermes had realized the consequences, leading May into a madness marked by eerie green glows and fractured glimpses of her child's fate.

"Percy?" Annabeth's voice cut through his thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he lied through gritted teeth. "What... why are you wearing armour? You should be resting."

"I'm okay," she insisted, though her pallor betrayed her. Her right arm hung limp at her side. "Nectar and ambrosia did wonders."

"Yeah, right," Percy scoffed, ignoring his throbbing head. "You can't seriously think about going out to fight."

With her good hand, she helped him to his feet. The sky outside bore ominous hues of purple and red, signalling impending danger.

"You're going to need every person you have," she insisted. "I just looked in my shield. There's an army—"

"Heading south into Central Park," Percy interjected. "Yeah, I know."

He shared fragments of his dreams with her, omitting the disturbing vision of May Castellan, but the thought still deeply unsettled him. He also kept Ethan's speculation about Luke fighting Kronos to himself, not wanting to raise Annabeth's hopes prematurely.

"Do you think Ethan suspects your weak spot?" she queried.

"I don't know," Percy admitted. "He didn't spill anything to Kronos, but if he catches on—"

"We can't let him."

"I'll give him a harder knock next time," Percy suggested. "Any clue about the surprise Kronos mentioned?"

Annabeth shook her head. "Nothing in the shield, but I do not like surprises."


"So," she pressed, "are you going to argue about me coming along?"

"Nah. You'd just beat me up." 

She managed a laugh, which was good to hear. 

Percy grabbed his sword, and they went to rally the troops. 


Thalia and the head counsellors, Zoe and Oskar, stood ready at the Reservoir, anticipating Percy's arrival.

As twilight descended, the city lights flickered to life, many guided by automatic timers. Along the shore of the lake, streetlamps cast an eerie glow, enhancing the foreboding atmosphere of the surroundings.

"They're on their way," Thalia confirmed, indicating northward with a silver arrow. "One of my scouts just reported their crossing of the Harlem River. We couldn't hold them back. The army..." She trailed off, gesturing helplessly. "It's massive."

"We'll make our stand at the park," Percy declared. "Grover, are you prepared?"

Grover nodded. "As ready as we'll ever be. If my nature spirits can halt them anywhere, it's here."

"Yes, indeed!" chimed in another voice. A portly, elderly satyr pushed through the crowd, clumsily wielding a spear. Clad in wood-bark armour that barely covered his ample belly, he was none other than Leneus.

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