Zoe - Storage Closet

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As soon as Oskar and I exited the lounge, a sudden impulse seized me, and I reached out, grasping his hand firmly without a word. With an urgency that surprised me, I tugged him along the corridor, my heart pounding with anticipation. We reached the nearest storage cupboard, and without hesitation, I pushed him inside and closed the door behind us.

Leaning my back against the door, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

Gone was the worn weariness that had etched lines of fatigue upon his features just hours before. In its place, a renewed vitality emanated from him, casting a vibrant aura around his figure. Clad in a simple black T-shirt and jeans, devoid of his usual leather jacket, his strong frame commanded attention. The fabric of his shirt stretched taut over the contours of his biceps and forearms, accentuating the underlying strength beneath. His shoulders were broad and powerful.

Despite the rush of embarrassment that washed over me at the intensity of my longing for him, I could not tear my gaze away. The realization of how much I needed him, how desperately I craved him, threatened to overwhelm me. Every fibre of my being yearned to reach out, to pull him close, to taste the warmth of his lips against mine.

I had yearned to be with him, to share in the intimacy of showering together. It wasn't a passing fancy; the desire had been a constant companion, whispering its seductive promises as I made my way to my own room. Stepping into the shower, I closed my eyes, allowing my mind to wander to thoughts of Oskar—his body, hands, and lips tracing paths of warmth across my skin. As the water cascaded over me, I surrendered to the sensations, unashamedly allowing my hands to roam and explore until the echoes of his name tumbled from my lips in a fervent plea.

Oskar's voice broke the charged silence, his words laced with a playful smirk. "Is there something you wanted from here?" he asked casually as he picked up a random item from the cluttered shelves of the storage closet. "A sponge, perhaps?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, though a mischievous glint danced in them. "Yes, I came in here for sponges," I replied with mock seriousness.

I scanned the cluttered shelves for the desired item. Spotting a sponge within reach, I wasted no time seizing it, my movements swift and decisive.

Before Oskar could react, I let out a mischievous laugh and hurled the sponge in his direction. Time seemed to slow as the soft object sailed through the air, its trajectory guided by the playful force behind my throw. And then, with a satisfying thud, it connected with Oskar's face, eliciting a surprised yelp from him as it bounced off and tumbled to the ground.

His grin only widened in response, amusement shining in his eyes as he regarded me.

Feeling a rush of boldness coursing through me, I seized his t-shirt with a firm grip, pulling him closer until our bodies collided. Oskar's hands instinctively found their place on either side of my head, steadying himself against the door as he leaned closer. Pressing my back against the solid wood, I could feel its cool surface against my heated skin, starkly contrasting the warmth radiating between us. Tilting my head back ever so slightly, I allowed myself to revel in the sensation, a soft sigh escaping my lips as I parted them slightly. With a subtle gesture, my tongue traced a teasing path over my bottom lip.

Oskar's gaze followed the movement hungrily, his eyes tracing the path of my tongue with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. And then, his eyes snapped back to meet mine, a silent challenge passing between us as we stood on the precipice of something electrifying.

Oskar didn't move; he was waiting, as with most of our interactions, seeming to follow my lead.

I wanted to kiss him desperately. I wanted him to kiss me, wasn't that obvious? You don't just drag people into closets to stare at each other, though I liked looking at Oskar. It gave me pleasure and a sense of comfort in the chaos around us.

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