the militiant way

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Painting a room red could mean two totally different things. One, actually painting a damn room red with overpriced paint. And the movie way, manslaughter.
Standing in the blood soaked room where a group of traitors had gathered was not so uncommon here at the utopia for a militiant, who's job was to eliminate anyone who dares go against the rules of the utopia.

"Somone bring these body's down to the bin"

Niragi demands looking down at the mess. He never felt sad, per say, for these traitors. He actually enjoyed all the killing. it was so easy to take somones life, yet humans lived in the mindset of doubt. 'That won't happen to me' is a very common one, they life with that mindset all up untill 'it' actually happens to them. Like the stupid traitors thinking they can get away with this kind of shit even though everyone here knows the rule, death to all traitors. They hide cards thinking their so slick, better than the last traitors even, then dare to act surprised when their door gets pounded down by militants. Fucking idiots.

Niragi watches the bodies be carried away by some less important militants.

"Alright, jobs done after this right?"

One of them pause to ask.

"Yeah, your all free to go after this 'till farther notice"

Niragi answered back, throwing his riffle over his sholder and adjusting the strap to carry it comfortably.
The militiant nodds, then continued carrying the body of the younger, traitor girl, the same way niragi carried his gun over his sholder. The girl had been wearing the shortest skirt niragi had ever seen, so as she layed there lifeless over this militants sholder, her underwear was showing. What a slut, niragi thought as the two go out of view.

Now that taking care of the traitors was done, niragi was free to do jack shit untill aguni gives him somthing else to do- and if aguni even has somthing else for him to do. Niragi had realized one thing from all this, it's that if he keep begging for things to do like a bored child, aguni would run out of things to give him. That was the case right now. All niragi could do was wander around the utopia looking for people to bother.

Niragi walks around the place for a bit, before noticing somone in the distance. Arisu and the chick, the two newbies. Niragi wasn't sure how he remembered arisus name, but he did. Niragi approached arisu with a smirk, making himself seem as threatening as possible.

"Well well well, who do we have here? Mr wannabe hero and his chick? What a suprise"

Niragi says approaching them, eyeing usagi. Arisu immediately stepped infront of usagi to 'protect' her, but niragi knew if he wasn't ordered to keep these two alive, both would be dead in under 5 seconds. Niragi grins at arisus little hero act.

"What do you want, niragi?"

Arisu asked, his face in a scowl.

"What do I want? Hmm... I don't know"

He eyes them both up and down.

"Mabey I'll take your little girlfriend here to my room for the night, have some... fun"

Niragi smiles at there reactions, he loved messing with people like this!!

"You won't touch usagi, I won't let you... and she's not my girlfriend"

Niragi didn't miss the blush on arisus face, oh... one of those. A person who very obviously has feelings for another person, but won't say even though the other obviously feels the same. It's just plain pathetic... niragi hated pathetic people, people who are so week and never take chances. Niragi scoffs at them, but wasn't about to give love advice or coach anyone. Hell, he wouldn't waste his breath.

"Whatever you say, newbie"

He says walking past arisu, sticking his toung out at usagi for good measures as he walks by.

Pathetic people... niragi hated pathetic people. People who couldn't speak there minds in fear of judgment or disapproval. People who let themselves be walked on... people who needed to rely on others all the time, yet... all of those people seemed so happy! Niragi didn't understand it, how could somone life like that? How could they be happy being so low in life? How did these people manage to find friends!? Even so, niragi would never let himself be so pathetic, he would never allow somone to walk over him, to hurt him, to make fun of him, he would never let himself be bullied or pushed around like these weakling... never again.


"Niragi, I have a task for you"

Aguni stood from his chair, and approached niragi.

"How would you feel about taking the newbie, arisu, to a game for me, to test him"

"I thought we already tested him?"

Niragi asked confused.

"We tested how well he worked under pressure, yes. but I want to test how much far he's willing to go in these games for his own survival"

Aguni paused, then added

"He is a hearts player, after all"

"Arisus a heart player? No way! That guy would apologize to a chair if he bumped into it"

Niragi says, laughing. His smile fades when he realized aguni was serious.

"...he's a hearts player?"

Niragi asked one more time.

"Yes, he brought the 7 of hearts when he first arrived here, remember?"

Right... niragi totally forgot about that.

"Right... so I'm taking the newbie to a game, how will I be testing him?"

Niragi asked

"I want you to bring that girl usagi too, she seems to be his soft spot. That day we tried to take her, during their first few hours here, he slapped your hand away and stood infront of her, ready to take on the punishments. I want to know if she's special, or if he would do that for anyone"

"Right, yes sir, I understand"

Niragi says, taking a moment to try and figure out how he's going to do this...
Pathetic people... niragi hated pathetic people. People who couldn't speak there minds in fear of judgment or disapproval. People who let themselves be walked on... people who needed to rely on others all the time... niragi always thought arisu was one of these people.. yet, if arisu could stand up for others, put himself in danger just so other people wouldn't be harmed, push himself to things knowing about the outcome will be his loss- if arisu could play the hero even though he was scared shitless... did that still make him pathetic?

Part one, yippie ^^
OK yall trust I have good ideas for this one, it's going to be more deep and descriptive than any other story I have written so far! (Hopefully)
I have a bad habit of starting new story's before I finish others- but don't worry! I'm not dropping any of my story's, none will stay unfinished ;D
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(1162 words)

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