run rabbit (part 2)

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"Time, 60 minutes. The game will now commence"

The ai voice finished.

"A running game, how fun"

Niragi said sarcastically, tightening the gun strap that was around his sholder.
A running game, that would be somwhat fine to most, the time was an hour, that wasn't too long either. The hard part was running away from multiple tagers at once for that hour... this game was definitely going to be somthing.

The bracelets start to flash, shuffling the roles out. The bracelet would shine red and show the image of a wolf for the wolf players, and shine blue with a rabbit for the rabbit players. Niragi got a wolf, usagi got rabbit, kuina got a rabbit, chishiya got a wolf, and arisu got-.... a wolf....
Arisu shakes his head- no way, no way!! But the immage of a comic style wolf was clearly displayed on his bracelet...
Arisu was getting flashbacks to the 7 of hearts game... a wolf... he was once again a wolf- a wolf that would survive only by... taking away somone else chance at surviving- he had to survive by killing another person!! He couldn't do-
Arisu was ripped out of his thought by niragi grabbing his sholder.

"Ya a wolf? Nice! Well make a great team hunting down these fuck ass rabbits"

He laughs, patting arisus sholder sarcastically. Arisu was in shock... no way... a great team? They weren't a team! No way... they weren't anything alike... right? No, niragi was a violent and mean man who wouldn't hesitate to take somones life away. Arisu wasn't like that at all! And he was going to prove it...

The game starts. Kuina and usagi start running, none of the 3 go after them, chishiya and arisu having obvious reasons, and niragi because doing that was apparently- 'an easy win' and that made it a- 'weak and pathetic move'.
Niragi instead runs as fast as he can towards the quicker rabbit players, obviously wanting a challenge.

Arisu froze, he didn't want to run after anyone, yet that seemed like the only way... he turned his head, and noticed chishiya was still beside him... mabey chishiya was struggling with the idea of taking the life away from somone too.
Chishiya slowly starts walking forwards, casually, hands in his pocket. Arisu follows him.

"This is a hard game, isn't it.. it's so unfair"

Arisu says, talking to chishiya, who wouldn't respond.

"I mean- surviving by taking somone else's life? Who could do such a thing!?"

"Well niragi could"

Chishiya nodded towards niragi who had already managed to catch a rabbit player.

"...well, he's an exception. He's cruel, and dosent care about people"

Arisu says with slight anger in his voice. Niragi... arisu didn't like him- no, he hated him! Ever sence he and usagi 'joined' the beach, he seemed to had made it his mission to mess with them.

"That's rich coming from a hearts player"

Chishiyas comment confused him, a hearts player? He was no such thing!

"I'm not a hearts player! I hate heart games- manipulating people- the fear the anger the sadness- death, I hate all of it!"

Arisu rants. How could he be a hearts player!?

"Hmm, well hatter said you brought back the 7 of hears"

"The only reason I won that game was because my friends sacrificed there life's for my pathetic life... I tried to go against it all, but they hid until the last minute..."

"That's a new one"

Chishiya comments casually, as if he didn't care at all about arisus story.

"Well what about you? What kind of player are you?"

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