run rabbit

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Waking up somtimes feels more exhausting than just staying up all night, especially if that's what your used to.
It's even harder to wake up when there's no purpose for doing so. Wake up, eat, work, work, work, sleep, wake up, eat, work, work, work, sleep... an endless cycle.


Voices say as he passes by. Today he had just saved somones life, but who even said that person wanted to live? It didn't matter anyway, because death was constantly following everyone, a follower you couldn't run away from. Somtimes death was right on your back, sucking the life out of you without you even knowing. Somtimes, death isn't caused by old age, or sickness. Somtimes it's caused by the people you thought were helping you, the people's who's job was to help you... but they don't. The moment a 'vip' patient came in, nothing you do matters.

The scale tips to whichever side has more gold.


"Chishiya~ you awake in there?"

Chishiya opens his eyes, groaning at the way the light shines through his window, and directly at his face. It almost felt like the world was messing with him.


The knocking on the door continued, along with kuinas voice. Chishiya sighs and sits up, what time was it?

He gets out of bed, throwing his sweater on and his sandals, fixing his hair with his hands. Chishiya felt disgusting wearing the same clothes so many times over and over again, the lack of hygiene was getting to him in this place, but that didn't matter.

Chishiya opens the door, and looks up at kuinas smiling face. Hell, she was even more blinding than the sun... so bright all the time.

"What do you want, kuina?"

Kuina scoffs dramatically

"Don't tell me you forgot"

Chishiya paused, what was he forgetting? It wasn't like chishiya to forget, but it's amazing what only two hours of sleep a night can do to a person.

"You got me, I have no idea. Just tell me"

"I asked you yesterday if you would join a game with me today! Do you remember what your answer was??"


"You said yes"

Kuina says with a grin

"That doesn't sound like me"

Chishiya says back

"Fine, you said 'why would I do that?' And then I said 'because you don't want me to be all alone during a game' and then you said 'can't you take care of yourself?' And then I said- 'GET THE HINT I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU IT WILL BE FUN!' and you said 'if you stop yelling ill go' and really really quietly I said 'yippie'. You did agree to go though!"

Chishiya sighs

"Sure, I don't have anything more important to do anyway"


Kuina grabs chishiya by the arm and drags him off.


Kuina and chishiya arrive at a game arena. The place was a normal looking building, other than the fact it also wasn't. It looked... normal, yet creepy almost, mabey just an off vibe.

Kuina and chishiya walk into the building, kuina happily leading the way.

"What difficulty do you think this game will be?"

Kuina asked

"Well find out soon"

Chishiya answered simply as they reached the man area, kuina scoffs. They both notice the table in the way of getting in, 4 of those weird bracelets sit still on the table, a sign above them that said- 'players, please put one bracelet on the wrist of your choice'


Kuina and chishiya put on a bracelet.

"You think these explode or somthing?"

Kuina asked

"Your asking me like I made them"

Chishiya says, before walking infront of kuina into the main room with the other players. There was atleast 10 people in here already, chishiya scans them over for a second, before falling upon 3 fimilure faces. Kuina must've noticed them to, because she came to a complete pause.

"Oh, would you look at that. A niragi out in the wild"

Chishiya says to kuina sarcastically. But he was a bit confused. Why was niragi with arisu and usagi? Out of anyone he chose them to pair up with? Hm, mabey he didn't choose it, there had to be somthing going on here.

"You have got to be shitting me"

Niragi says outloud, spotting chishiya and kuina in the distance.

"Oh, hey kuina!.. and chishiya"

Arisu says. Arisu had a better relationship with kuina so far than with chishiya, who he didn't know to well, but understood he wasn't exactly a happy friendly guy. Kuina walks up to arisu and usagi with a smile.

"What are you two doing with this germ?"

She asked in a friendly tone, but made sure to highlight 'germ' for a little somone who was listing Into the conversation.

"Who ya callin' a 'germ' you whor-"

Niragi was cut off by the ai voice.

"Registration is now closed. Difficulty, 6 of spades"
(not based on show, I'm making a game up 💀)

"6 of spades? Spades are physical games, right?"

Arisu asked, and kuina nodds before responding.

"Yup! So you better hope your fit"

"Ah, I'm not that fit, but usagi will probably pass this with flying colors"

He smiles at usagi, who lightly smiles back.


Kuina teased


Niragi says with a scoff.

"Don't mind him, he's never experienced love before he dosent know what it's like"

"Excuse me!? I so have!"

Niragi says offended by kuinas comment.

"Game, run rabbit. Players will be assigned either the role of the rabbit, or the role of the wolf. Rabbit players goal is to run away from the wolves and make it to the finish line before the time runs out. If you fail this goal by getting caught, or not crossing the line, it is immediate game over. Wolf players goal is to catch a rabbit, wolf players can not cross the finish line without catching a rabbit first, wolf players can only catch one rabbit. If these tasks are failed, it is immediate game over. Time, 60 minutes. The game will now commence"

Part 2!! Currently writing this late at night so any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar don't come for me 💀💔
Hope you guys are liking this story!! Please make sure to vote if you do to show your support!! Thanks
(Happy mothers day btw!!)

(1057 words)

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