just a player

18 1 0

"Chishiya, you should really take a break you know"

Kuina says, towering over chishiya who was slouched down over some paper work in the meeting room.

"Mhm, after this"

He answers

"You said that 4 this-es ago!"

She says grabbing his penile.

"Your eye bags are so dark you look like your being possessed"

"Gee, thanks kuina, really boost my self confidence"

Chishiya answers sarcastically.

"No- but seriously, are you sleeping OK?"

"I'm sleeping fine, kuina, stop worrying about me so much"

He says reaching up to take the pencil back, but kuina puts it behind her back.

"OK, fine, I'll take a break"

"Thank you"

She says, genuine. She placed the pencil on the table as chishiya stands up.

"I only have this one left anyway you know"

He says, but she scowls.

"And you only have, hm, I don't know, 20 more minutes untill it's literally midnight"

"That's 20 minutes, I could finish..."

She looks at him with that wide eyes pouted lip mom stare, and he shuts up.

"Your eye bags have eye bags chishiya, you can't keep staying up late like this and sleeping for so little time"

"Stop worrying about me so much, I can take care of myself"

"Clearly not"

Kuina comments, and chishiya frowns. He really didn't like people worrying about him, one because that ment they were paying attention to him, watching how he acts and making it there mission to change somthing about him or just pitty him. and two, because he just didn't want people to worry about him, he didn't want to burden anyone, he could take care of himself just fine.

"So, what's your plan now?"

Kuina asked

"It's not my plan, it's yours, I want to finish these papers, but you want me to take a break"

"I want you to sleep chishiya, sleep"

"Right, sleep, I'll go to my room now then"

"To stare at the ceiling untill the sun starts coming up?"

How did she know?

"Are you having sleeping trouble chishiya?"

"No, I'm not"

He lies, she didn't need to know.

"Alright... whatever you say man"

She says grabbing his arm, smiling a bit.

"Let's go"


The next morning, chishiya was awake, and managed to finish those papers and hand them into hatter.

"Perfect, thanks chishiya!"

Hatter says happily taking the papers.


Chishiya responds, walking away.

"Wait! Chishiya, can I talk to you?"

Chishiya paused and turns back to hatter.

craving what you hate (nishiya)Where stories live. Discover now