the beach

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"What are you doing?"

Arisu asked concerned, watching chishiya crouch down beside a body.

"The rules said a wolf could only catch one rabbit, it never said we couldn't all catch the same one"

... what?

"What are you saying?.."

Arisu asked, even though the gears were slowly turning in his head.

"The rules never said our prey had to be alive"

He said tapping the dead rabbit players arm, and his light turns green.... no way....

Chishiya scoffs at his bracelet, as if he though the game was too easy.
Arisus eyes lit up... wait.... so he didn't have to kill somone to survive this. Arisu approached the body, feeling a bit bad still, but much less than he would with somone alive. He gently touched the body, and his bracelet turns green.

"...chishiya, your a genius"

"I know"


Chishiya and arisu now walk with only one destination. The finish line.
Chishiya was walking much slower than arisu, no care in the world, even as the time keep getting lower and lower.

"Can't you just jog or somthing? Even speed walk?"

Arisu complanes, he didn't want to run off without Chishiya, but they couldn't stay behind like this.

"Nah, I'm just gonna take my time. Feel free to go off on your own though"

"I don't want to do that though, chishiya... I don't want to leave you behind"

"Leave me behind? I'm not following you or anything, you know. We're not some team where one is led and the other leads"

... chishiya did have a point. But still.

"Well then, why don't we become a team?"

Arisu proposed the idea


...and was so quickly rejected! Owch

"Why don't you want to run?"

Arisu asked

"I'm not exactly a fit person, nor do I like putting up a sweat. I only run if I absolutely have to"

"Well, we kinda 'absolutely have to' right now, there's only 10 minutes left and who even knows how far up the finish line is!"

"Probably the people who are already there"

Chishiya answered... this smart ass. Arisu was starting to get a bit annoyed now, it was like chishiya... didn't care at all! He didn't care about his own life, and he definitely didn't care that arisu cared about him!

"Tell me more about your buddys"

Chishiya asked. Huh? Arisu was a bit confused at the question... but decided to talk.

"My friends names were chota and kerube... chota had shorter black hair, he was kind, very funny. Karube had blondish- yellow hair, very short. He was strong and dominant, but also very kind. Kerube knew what he was doing with everything, he was somone you could trust with your life"

"I think I met your friend, Karube. Did he wear like a vacation type of shirt?"

"...yeah... he did- you knew karube!?"

"Met him during the tag game, I got to use a gun that day, it's why I remember"

Arisu paused, still walking at chishiyas side... he met karube? This was all new to arisu... so wait- chishiya was the blondie kerube was talking about!?


"Arisu! Kerube!"

Choto cried, waddling over to them both on his crutches. They both immediately wrap there arms around chota.

"Where were you two!?"

He asked, anger in his tone.

"We joined a game- we wanted to try and find a doctor for you... but no luck"

Chota crys

"You two never leave me again! Your too nice to me!!"

He crys, hugging them both tighter. Kerube winced a bit, catching both chotas and arisus attention.

"Kerube... your bleeding!"

Arisu was shocked, how did he not notice this sooner!? He helps kerube sit down, chota joins karubes side on the couch. Arisu immediately began to clean the wound and bandage it best he could... he saw this in a movie once.

"I got injured fighting the tager, I'm really OK though. I would have been even more injured- or even dead, if this guy didn't show up"

Arisu and chotas interests were hooked now

"It was some blond guy, he seemed cool. Shot a gun at the tager like it was just some video game! He was so chill about it too. 'This is my first time shooting a gun you know, harder than it looks in the movies' that's what he said. Blondie wouldn't tell me his name though, he just said if I could find the beach and meet him, he would tell me then"

"The beach?"

Arisu asked confused.

"Not an actual beach, I think it's like... some kind of organization or somthing. A group of survivers. I found a walkie-talkie during the game, it said to return to the beach, and that it had all the answers"

"All the answers? I want to know the answers..."

Chota comments

"Yeah, me too. I think we should find this 'beach', do you guys agree?"

Kerube asked, eyeing both arisu and chota. He didn't give a shit about shibukis answer, even though she was eyeing karube trying to get that attention.

"I think we should go! Beach sounds fun!"

Chota says happily. Karube nodds, and turns to arisu.

"...yeah, OK. What's the worst that can happen?"


Chota yells, ready for the adventure.

"Well we have to get more days on our visas if we want to play explorers"

Shibuki chimes in

"Well, atleast me and chota have to. Since some people decided to go off on there owns"

She said with a heavy bitter tone.

"Don't be such a bitch"

Karube groans

"What did you just-"

"Guys! Let's not fight, yeah?"

Arisu buts in, not wanting this to escalate.

"I'm going to bandage your wounds now"

Arisu announced to kerube

"Alright, do your thing"


"Where is the gauze?"

Kerube asked

"..The what?"

"It's padding that goes directly over the injury, under the bandage wrap. Don't tell me you were just going to clean it and wrap me up"

Kerube laughs, as arisus face blushed with embarrassment.

"I was just.. testing you, yeah, to see if you would say somthing"

Arisu counters back, but karube just keep laughing.

"Whatever you say! Arisu"

Omg yall im still sick like- my nose is running so bad I hate this 💀 send help
This chapter was kinda useless, but oh well- make sure to vote!!

(1052 words)

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