low life mission

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Niragi was getting prepared to go out to play a game. That fucking blond had to come to... chishiya.

Niragi wanted to join Ann and arisu in there game to avoid chishiya, but hatter had other plans.

"No, niragi. Your going to the new game arena with chishiya, bring me back a good card, OK?"

"I'm not fucking playing with ch-"

Aguni shot niragi a glare, that made niragi angrily growl and sit back down with a scowl, crossing his arms like a child throwing a fit.

"Any complaints from you, chishiya?"

Hatter asked, not actually caring though.

"None that would matter"

Chishiya answers, earning a smirk from hatter.

"Good, you two will leave in 2 hours, same time as group A" (Ann and arisu)

Hatter eventually dismissed the meeting, and the Executives could leave.


Niragi sat in the drivers seat, while chishiya sat in the passenger seat.
Niragi starts to drive to the game arena, speeding so that he wouldn't have to sit in the car with chishiya any longer than he had to. He hated chishiya...
Hopefully the blond wouldn't try to talk to him..

"So, what are your thoughts about arisu?"

Chishiya asked.... it's like niragi jinxed himself..
Niragi groans loudly before responding

"I don't know, he's just another week hearted looser that's probably gonna die soon"

"Hm, mabey"

Chishiya says simply, leaning back in his seat.

"What, you think he'll survive?"

Now it was niragi asking questions


Chishiya says with a grinn, knowing not giving niragi a straight answer riles him up. Niragi growls.

"Mabey mabey- like that dosnt tell me shit blondie, your supost to be smart aren't you? Fucking tell me why you think that dork is gonna live"

"Your also supost to be smart, right? Figure it out"

Niragi scowls and looks back to the road. Fucking Chishiya... and his stupid blond hair.  This stupid fucking mission... it was like the world was against niragi! And he hated it! Niragi starts to speed up, wanting to drive right off a cliff. Niragi could be at the utopia right now- or even in a different game! But because of fucking hatter, he was on this lowlife mission with chishiya... stupid fucking Chishiya. Obviously niragi was smart!! But he wasn't smart enough to figure out somones thoughts! Especially somone like chishiya, it was like looking at a brick wall and trying to geuss the name of the wall builders great grandmother's cat, you just couldn't fucking do that! Unless the builder tells you, or even better, the wall tells you, but the wall can't- chishiya couldn't, he just couldn't answer a question without making it SO much more complicated... the cliff diving idea was very tempting at this moment...


They finally pull up to the game arena, niragi slams on the breaks purposefully to mess with chishiya. Chishiya glares at niragi as his locked seat belt digs into his neck.

"Aw, was hoping for more damage than that"

Niragi says mockingly, before un buckling himself and getting out of the car, grabbing his gun off the floor, and slamming the door behind him. Chishiya followed shortly after, adjusting his hoodie and putting his hood up as they enter the building.

Niragi glanced around the place, dimmer due to lack of windows, with concrete floors. The little white circular table was the first to greet them, presenting the game phones they needed to register into the game. Niragi picks up a phone and holds it infront of his face. The phone dings recognizing him and lists him in with the rest of the players. Chishiya dose the same thing.

"Suprised it can recognize you past those eye bags"

Niragi says sarcastically, trying to tick chishiya off.

"Suprised it recognized you with such a bitchy expression on your face"

Chishiya conters back with a calm and smug tone, making niragis body heat up and tingly in anger. He could already feel the migrane coming.

They entered the main room now, and glance around at the other players. About 18 of them, all just standing around waiting for the game to start. Chishiya immediately makes his way over to a corner and leans against the wall, looking over and analyzing the other players. And although niragi hated chishiya, he wasn't going to stand awkwardly in the entrance alone. Niragi joins chishiya side, keeping a good 6 foot distance though as he leans against the wall, his gun resting on his sholder.

"Registration is now closed, the game will commence shortly"

The ai voice says in a happy tone.

"That voice is starting to piss me off"

Niragi mutters

"Niragi a rock could look at you funny and you'd be pissed of"

Niragi scowls at chishiyas words, crossing his arms like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Difculty, 3 of dimonds. Game, maze"

"3 of dimonds? Seriously? What are we todlers!?"

"You act like one"

Danm, chishiya was out for niragis throat today!

"Listen here you little shi-"

Niragi was interrupted by the ai voice.

"Players will have to make It through the maze and out of its exit before the timer runs out. Players who fail to complete this task, will not complete the game, and it will be game over. Rules, no climbing the maze"

"Climbing the maze?"

Niragi asked

"Some players might try to climb up the mazes walls to see where the exit is"

Chishiya answered.

"Oh... danm"

The ai voice continued

"Violence among players is not prohibited. The game will now commence"

So Violence was allowed? Niragi could already tell where that was going.

"Violence is allowed, good, that means I'm allowed to beat your ass in"

Niragi whispers in chishiyas ear, grinning.

"What, you plan on sticking with me through the maze?"

Chishiya asked with a scoff

"Were going to the same place, are we not? Might as well stick around you"

"Oh, your so addicted to my presence"

Chishiya teased, walking into the maze now that the other players had already gone in. Niragi growls, but follows close behind him. As soon as they entered the maze, niragi could smell the sent of fresh cut grass, feel the sun on his skin, the fresh air and bright sun... it was kinda nice actually.

Chishiya sneezed at the sent change, and niragi rolls his eyes. Niragi tightens the strap around his chest connected to his gun, praying that a player would so happen to run into him. He wasn't just some player stuck in this maze, no, he was a man, a man the other players were trapped in the maze with, and he wasn't going to make this game easy for them.

Very late but hope yall like it 🤷‍♂️

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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