change of plans

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"There they are!"

Kuina yells as she spots arisu and chishiya not too far in the distance. Arisu was slightly draging chishiya by the sleeve. Chishiya was not too impressed by this, but let it happen.
Arisu and chishiya cross the line with 3 more minutes on the clock. Usagi was shocked to see arisu cross the line.

"You caught a rabbit player?"

She asked, a bit confused.

"Thankfully I didn't have to. Chishiya found a different way to do it without killing somone"

Arisu responded.

"Without killing somone with your own hands, they still had to be dead"

Chishiya added. Usagi, kuina and niragi all looked a mixture of confused and weirded out.

"Game never said you couldn't catch an already caught rabbit player"

Chishiya says

"So you what, like- touched the body of a dead rabbit player somone else caught"

Kuina asked


Chishiya answers simply. Usagi was releaved arisu didn't have to carry another death burden on his sholders... he probably couldn't handle much more before he breaks again.

"Well, I'm glad your both alive if that matters"

Kuina says with a smile.

"Thank you kuina, it means alot"

Arisu says smiling back. Arisu felt somwhat refreshed after this game... yes, lots of people died, and he felt bad. But today, he learned somthing...
You really could outsmart and cheat a game.

"Chishiya, you are alive right?"

Kuina says joining chishiyas side.

"Do I not look alive to you?"

He asked

"Nah, not really. You look really pale, eyebags too. You look like a depressed vampire"

"Wow, thanks kuina"

He said sarcastically at her words.

"No, but actually. Have you been sleeping OK?"

Chishiya thought about that. He in fact was not sleeping too well, in fact, he would go days without sleeping, mabey and hour or two a night on good days, but other than that, he couldn't sleep unless he was so incredibly exhausted and drugged up on melatonin that his body shuts itself down to sleep.

"I'm sleeping fine, why?"

He answered.

"You just look... tired"

"Yeah, tired of niragi"

"HUH!? what did I even do!?"

Niragi yells, overhearing that comment. Chishiya smirks, kuina just sighs.

"You think your all that, don't ya?"

Niragi growls, closing In on chishiya

"All what? Be clear when speaking"

Chishiya answered with a sassy tone

"You little sh-"

"Ah ah ah, let's not fight, please?"

Usagi joined in now, trying to calm niragi down.

"Now what the hell in your mind makes you think id listen to you?"

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