Flamme A Lunette

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My take on how Maria and Manolo first met. I'm not a big fan of the movie the song is from, but I like the song.

"Papa, I'm gonna be out for a while!" Maria called out to her father as she headed out the door.

"Alright, but make sure you do your chores when you get back!" The general replied.

The young girl rolled her eyes, "Si, papa."

She closed the door behind her as she walked into the mid-day sun and walked through town.

Maria had a rebellious spark in her that her father has tried to suppress, but has always failed. She got it from her mother, who now lived in Spain after divorcing the General.

She could take her father's punishments and lectures and scoldings, but what she wanted was for someone to understand her.

Joaquin was a great friend, but he didn't really understand how she was feeling.

It would be nice for someone to get it for a change.

It was times like these when she wished her mother was around to talk to.

Just then, she heard the faint sound of music. It didn't sound like the musicians and mariachi band that would often play in the town square.

It was a guitar, playing softly on its own.

Maria recognized the tune it was playing. It was a French love song her mother had often sung.

She followed the music to the fountain in the middle of town.

When Maria was closer to the fountain, she saw where the music was coming from.

Sitting by the fountain was a boy around her age, playing a red guitar. He had black wavy hair, light olive skin with large, deep, gentle brown eyes.

The moment Maria saw him, she gasped softly as her eyes grew wide, her cheeks felt warm and her heart beat faster.

She never felt this strange feeling before. Why was she feeling this way towards this boy?

He then started to sing the song he was playing.

My vision's not quite right, but glasses make me look a sight, enough to give the world a fright, like a sprite... wearing specs.

Maria knew the song quite well, so she decided to join him in the duet. She walked closer to him and started singing the other half, grabbing his attention.

"Oh, fiery little sprite, conflagration in the night, don't play games with your sight if it leaves you in the dark."

I prefer, life on the blur. I forget to wear my glasses, when I sing, I share caresses. It feels good to close my eyes.

She danced around him and his eyes followed her with a warm smile.

"Oh, my pretty arsonist, let me clasp you close to me, or throw the roses towards the sea, and turn them into confetti, to scatter as we kiss."


"On you and me."

The boy shared the same look as Maria, the same warmth spreading across his face, his heart beating at the same rate. A feeling he was also unfamiliar with.

All I see are stars, suddenly some daze. My eyes leave me astray far away down the street, until I come back to steal a glance at the sun, or even look the sky straight in the eye. All I see are stars.

Maria took the boy's hands in hers, catching him off guard as he set his guitar aside. She pulled him to his feet and led him in an awkward dance. She did the best she could, trying to replicate the steps she's seen adults do when they danced. The boy did his best to awkwardly keep up with her.

They both kept glancing at their feet, which made them both occasionally stumble.

"I won't let you stray, I'll be your only guide, let me be your pair of eyes, you will be my special flame."

Yes, one thing I must confess, of five senses my hearing's best, I'll never recognize you by relying on my eyes.

"Smoldering embers, alone in the dark, we'll raise cascades of sparks, as the clock of my heart strikes midnight, we'll catch on fire, and blaze so bright you'll see the light."

The two children finally stumbled to the ground, ending their awkward dance.

They looked up at each other as they got back on their feet, never breaking eye contact as they got closer to each other.

"All I see are stars, suddenly some daze, my eyes lead me astray, far away down the street, until I come back to steal a glance at the sun, or even look at the sky straight in the eye. All I see are stars."

They both smiled at each other warmly.

Maria finally decided to break the silence, "Do you often play out here?"

"Whenever I get the time to." The boy said, "My papa doesn't like me playing."

"Oh. You play wonderfully."

"Thanks. What's your name?"


"Manolo. You're a great dancer."

Maria's smile grew all the more wider as her face became all the more warmer. She covered her face in her hands as she started to swiftly walk the other way.

"W-Will I see you again?" Manolo called out.

"Yes, we will!" Maria replied, "I'll introduce you to my friend! See you tomorrow!"

Manolo smiled as he saw Maria disappear down the street and at the ever growing warmth in his heart.

Both children didn't know what that feeling was, but even then, they knew they didn't want it to go away. It wasn't until they truly became friends the following days after that they began to somewhat understand what it was.


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