Waking Up With You

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Maria wakes up in Manolo's arms and she couldn't be happier.

Maria slowly opened her eyes, her vision adjusting to the bright room.

The first thing she saw was Manolo next to her, laying on his side, his long hair in slight disarray as he slept. Maria smiled at the sight of him, he looked so peaceful. 

As much as she wanted to stay in bed and stare at him for hours, she knew she had to start the day. By the way the sunlight lit up her room, it looked to be midmorning. Besides, she needed a shower. 

She began to get out of bed when Manolo suddenly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Maria froze at the sudden movement. By how slow his breathing was, he was still very much asleep. This was too comfortable to leave just yet. What will a few more minutes do?

Maria sighed with a grin, relaxing into her husband's embrace under the warm blanket. 

Her husband. 

She always wanted to get married someday, but when the time was right for her. She hadn't thought about marrying Manolo until she realized she loved him.

And now, here she was. In the arms of the man she loved. 

Yesterday was an emotional and exhausting day for everyone. She never thought so much could happen in such a short time.

Maria was furious when Manolo told her how he died, mostly stemming from how heartbroken she was when she heard about his death. When he expressed how sorry he was, her anger cooled in record time. What mattered was that Manolo was here and alive. She reminded him that there was always someone who loved him, and he promised he'd never be so reckless again. He never broke a promise.

By the time night had fallen, Manolo and Maria had left the celebrations before anyone else to Maria's bedroom. 

At first, Maria wasn't sure how Manolo wanted to spend the night. While they had just gotten married, he also lost his father and great-grandmother, and he probably wanted space. Lord knows what he must be going through, and she was going to be by his side, no matter what.

Manolo reassured her of what he wanted, allowing them to proceed with their wedding night. 

Maria smiled as she thought about Manolo's soft lips against her skin, the way he gently stroked her as though she were porcelain, his whispers about how beautiful she was.

It was her first time making love to anyone and she knew it was his first time, too, from the awkward movements of both of them. Still, Maria loved the slow, gentle, romantic way they explored each other, making sure they were both comfortable. 

All in all, the perfect way to end the night.

After a few minutes, Maria decided they'd been in bed long enough. They've had their well-deserved rest, even after waking up randomly earlier that morning. 

"Manolo." She whispered, gently shaking him, "Manolo." When Manolo didn't respond, Maria leaned up and gently kissed his nose, stirring him awake.

"Hm..." Manolo slowly opened his eyes, smiling when he saw her, "Buenos días, mi amor." He whispered. 


"Hey, Maria?"


Manolo became nervous, glancing away for a moment, "Uh... I'm sorry if last night wasn't good, I... it was my first time."

"Are you sure it was your first time?" Maria asked with a smirk.

Manolo furrowed his brows in confusion for a second before his eyes grew wide when he understood, "No. No, no, no, I promise, you're the only one."

Maria giggled, "I'm kidding. Don't worry about it, Manolo, you were great. If it makes you feel better, it was my first time, too."

Manolo smiled and ran a hand through her hair, "Are you sure about that?"

Maria playfully smacked his shoulder as he chuckled. 

She sighed, placing a hand on his chin, "You know, as much as I loved my time in Spain, I'd rather be here. I missed you."

Manolo smiled at her words. Since Maria left, his heart had ached for her return, and now that she was back, his heart was overflowing with love.

He gently stroked her face, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm never letting you go again." He whispered. 

"Next time I go anywhere, I'm taking you with me."

Manolo softly pecked Maria's lips, "Our children will have quite the adventures."

"Slow down, guitarrista." Maria giggled, patting his chest, "Let's get through marriage first before we even think about kids."

"Of course, mi amor."

"But, yes, they will."

Manolo smiled as Maria kissed his cheek. 

The childhood friends had now started their next chapter as husband and wife.

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